Choose Your Game

I have got most of the Combos documented, however I will need some help from you,
the fans in spotting errors and inaccuracies.
If you spot an error, please notify me at, I would gladly appreciate any help you could provide...
The main areas that need info added are:
MK9 - Tag Combos final damage percentage determined by tag partner...
Damage Percentages for MK7's air combos,
Damage Percentages for MK5's combos, (Pretty Much Complete!)
Damage Percentages and more info on MK4/g's combos,
if needed,
And just general error testing on the MKT section
If you find a combo for those games or others that I don't have listed, please make
sure to list which game and which system you're playing on.

Universal / Xbox One
/ PS4 / Switch

Universal /
Xbox One /

Universal / Xbox One
/ PS4

Universal / Xbox 360
/ PS3 / Wii U

Universal / Xbox 360
/ PS3

Universal / Xbox
360 / PS3

Universal / Xbox
/ PS2 / Wii - Classic
Controller / Wii - GameCube Controller

Sony PSP

Universal / Xbox
/ PS2 / GameCube

Universal / Xbox
/ PS2 / GameCube

Universal / Sony PlayStation/Sega
Saturn/PC / N64

Universal /
Super Nintendo/Sega Genesis
