MKKomplete - Mortal Kombat 11 (2019) - Basic Moves & Combos - Nintendo Switch Choose Your Game

Basic Moves & Combos - Nintendo Switch
BarakaCassie CageCetrionD'VorahErron BlackFrostGerasJacqui BriggsJadeJax BriggsJohnny CageKabal
KanoKitanaKollectorKotal KahnKung LaoLiu KangNoob SaibotRaidenScorpionSkarletSonya BladeSub-Zero
Shao KahnShang TsungNightwolfThe TerminatorSindelThe JokerSpawn
MileenaRainRambo / NetherRealm Studios
You can e-mail corrections/additions to The Webmaster
Last updated: 11/17/20
Note: All commands are assuming your character is facing right.
If you are facing left, you must reverse the directional commands.
Backwards becoming Forwards and Vice Versa.
It's recommended that your controls match the default setting.

U = Up/Jump
D = Down/Crouch
F = Forward/Toward
B = Back/Away
Dash = F, F
Back Dash = B, B
Uppercut = (D+X)
Sweep = (B+A)
Run = (Dash+ZR)
Pause/Movelist = START

FP = Front Punch
BP = Back Punch
FK = Front Kick
BK = Back Kick
*TH = Throw (Away)
*(F+TH) = Throw (Towards)
SI = Stage Interact
FS = Flip Stance
BL = Block

TH (Away) Reversal = FP/FK
TH (Towards) Reversal = BP/BK
FP = Y
BP = X
FK = B
BK = A
*TH = L
*(F+TH) = (F+L)
SI = R

TH (Away) Reversal = Y/B
TH (Towards) Reversal = X/A

   *Throw (Away)   *Throw (Away) Switches the character's facing side, while (Towards) maintains it.
Environment Interactions: R
Environment Interactions cost half of your Defensive Gauge, which will refill over time.

Amplify: R
You can Amplify some Special Moves by pressing R at the right time.
Most Amplified Special Moves cost half of your Offensive Gauge, which will refill over time.

Fatal Blow: (ZL+ZR)
When your character's Health is below 30%, you can perform your character's most powerful attack, the Fatal Blow!
You can only use your Fatal Blow once per match if it successfully hits.
If a Fatal Blow is Blocked or misses, you will have to wait a short time before you can use it again.

Mercy: (Hold ZL), D, D, D (Release ZL) (Mid) (After Finish Him)
Gives the opponent a small amount of health and a second chance to win the match.
After performing a Mercy, beating your opponent again and executing a Brutality or Fatality earns you more points than you would otherwise receive.

Friendships: You must not press ZR in the final round to perform a Friendship in a Kompetitive Match.
No such prerequisite exists for non-kompetitive matches including single player towers. (Mid Range, about one jump away)

Stage Fatalities: Dead Pool, Shaolin Trap Dungeon, Tournament (Close Range)
Selectable Characters:

Baraka Baraka
Basic Attacks:
Spiked Cross: Y
Low Stab: (D+Y)
Warrior Strike: X
Lunging Blades: (B+X)
Blade Swipe: (F+X)
Rising Blade: (D+X)
Hinge Kick: B
Foot Stomp: (B+B)
Low Poke: (D+B)
Big Leg: A
Leg Chop: (B+A)
Knee Lunge: (F+A)
Side Kick: (D+A)
*Straight Shank: (DF+Y) (Baraka Barrage)
*Low Shank: (DF+B) (Baraka Barrage)
Jumping Attacks:
Hangry Jab: Y
Sinister Slice: X
Dropkick: B/A
*Sinister Shank: (D+Y) (Baraka Barrage)
Hop Attacks:
Bladed Doom: U, Y / U, X
Karbrac Kick: U, B / U, A
Getup Attacks:
Fatal Strike: (U+X)
Karbrac Stab: (U+B)
Flawless Block Attacks:
Fatal Strike: (U+X)
Karbrac Stab: (U+B)
Toward Throw: (F+L) / (F+Y+B)
Back Throw: L / (Y+B)
Roll Escapes:
Forward Roll Escape: (F+LT)
Away Roll Escape: (B+LT)
Air Escape:
Breakaway: (D+ZR) (In Air)
Combo Attacks:
Easy Kill: Y, Y [3%]
Mangled: Y, Y, X [5%]
Bloodthirsty: Y, X [3%]
Outworld Bash: Y, X, X [7%]
Splintered: X, (Y+B) [7%]
Painful Swipes: (F+X), Y [3%]
Bloody Mess: (F+X), Y, X [7%]
Tarkatan Rush: (B+B), Y [3%]
Cutting Loose: (B+B), Y, X [7%]
Doom Kicks: (F+A), A [7%]
Cassie Cage Cassie Cage
Basic Attacks:
Justice Jab: Y
Low Shot: (B+Y)
Straight Punch: (D+Y)
Quick Hook: X
Throwin' Bows: (B+X)
Backhand: (F+X)
Bloody Knuckles: (D+X)
High Kick: B
Glow Burst: (B+B)
Spin Kick: (F+B)
Side Kick: (D+B)
Roundhouse: A
Cunning Sweep: (B+A)
Flick Kick: (F+A)
Steel Toe: (D+A)
Jumping Attacks:
Cage Jab: Y
Double Axe Handle: X
Army Boot: B/A
Hop Attacks:
Dive Bomb: U, Y / U, X
Kombat Kick: U, B / U, A
Getup Attacks:
Flip Kick: (U+X)
Nut Punch: (U+B)
Flawless Block Attacks:
Flip Kick: (U+X)
Nut Punch: (U+B)
Toward Throw: (F+L) / (F+Y+B)
Back Throw: L / (Y+B)
Roll Escapes:
Forward Roll Escape: (F+LT)
Away Roll Escape: (B+LT)
Air Escape:
Breakaway: (D+ZR) (In Air)
Combo Attacks:
Double Down: Y, Y [2%]
Whip It Good: Y, Y, Y [7%]
Belly Buster: Y, X [3%]
Active Duty: Y, X, A [7%]
Hot Take: (B+Y), B [7%]
Hooks and Hammers: X, Y [3%]
Assaulted: X, Y, Y, X [9.33%]
The Rushdown X, Y, (D+X) [7%]
No Breaks: (B+X), A [3%]
Keepin' it Classy: (B+X), A, B [7%]
Shocker: (F+X), (Y+B [7%]
Marching Orders: B, A [7%]
Military Dance: (F+B), A [3%]
Heavy Hitter: (F+B), A, B [7%]
Poppin' Bubbles: (F+A), Y [3%]
One in the Chamber: (F+A), Y, X [5%]
Cetrion Cetrion
Basic Attacks:
Heavens Wind: Y
Tendril Slap: (B+Y)
Low Wind: (D+Y)
Quick Combustion: X
Turning Wave: (F+X)
Rising God Palm: (D+X)
Vapor Push: B
Energy Swipe: (B+B)
Krystal Kick: (D+B)
Krushing Heel: A
Rising Volcano: (B+A)
Krystal Heel: (D+A)
Jumping Attacks:
Quick Gust: Y
Burning Palm: X
Balance Spin: B/A
Hop Attacks:
Boulder Slam: U, Y / U, X
Heel Spike: U, B / U, A
Getup Attacks:
Geo Strike: (U+X)
World Ender: (U+B)
Flawless Block Attacks:
Geo Strike: (U+X)
World Ender: (U+B)
Toward Throw: (F+L) / (F+Y+B)
Back Throw: L / (Y+B)
Roll Escapes:
Forward Roll Escape: (F+LT)
Away Roll Escape: (B+LT)
Air Escape:
Breakaway: (D+ZR) (In Air)
Combo Attacks:
Violent Gust: Y, Y [2%]
Wind Storm: Y, Y, X [7%]
Imminent Eruption: Y, Y, A [7%]
Natures Wrath: (F+Y), B [3%]
Seismic Energy: (F+Y), B, X [7%]
Blaze: X, Y [3%]
Fire-Nado: X, Y, X [9%]
Fire and Brimstone: X, Y, B [7%]
Natural Ending: (F+X), B [3%]
Unlimited Potential: (F+X), B, A [9.41%]
Lifecycle: (B+B), X [7%]
D'Vorah D'Vorah
Basic Attacks:
Pupa Poke: Y
Low Sting: (D+Y)
Bug Bash: (F+Y)
Bludgeoned: X
Killer Strike: (F+X)
Swatted: (D+X)
Larva Tarsus: B
Ovi Posi Poke: (B+B)
Low Tarsus Strike: (D+B)
Cocoon Kick: A
Spinning Web: (B+A)
Brood Slam: (F+A)
Slight Sting: (D+A)
Jumping Attacks:
Deadly Sting: Y
Poisonous Touch: X
Beetle Kick: B/A
Hop Attacks:
Piercing Ovipositors: U, Y / U, X
Hardened Heel: U, B / U, A
Getup Attacks:
Swarm Burst: (U+X)
Quick Strike: (U+B)
Flawless Block Attacks:
Swarm Burst: (U+X)
Quick Strike: (U+B)
Toward Throw: (F+L) / (F+Y+B)
Back Throw: L / (Y+B)
Roll Escapes:
Forward Roll Escape: (F+LT)
Away Roll Escape: (B+LT)
Air Escape:
Breakaway: (D+ZR) (In Air)
Combo Attacks:
Yellow Jacket: Y, X [2%]
Black Widow: Y, X, Y [7%]
Bot Fly: (F+Y), B [5%]
Assassin Bug: X, Y [3%]
Wandering Spider: X, Y, X, X, X [7.42%]
Siafu: (F+X), X [3%]
Bugging Out: (F+X), X, A [5%]
Killer Bee: (B+B), A [7%]
Lonomia: A, A [5%]
*Parasite: Y, X, (Y+B) [9%] (Parasite)
*Recluse: (F+X), X, (U+Y+B) [8%] (Parasite)
*Tsetse: (F+X), X, (D+Y+B) [6%] (Parasite)
Erron Black Erron Black
Basic Attacks:
Straight Punch: Y
Spinning Revolver: (F+Y)
Dusty Knuckles: (D+Y)
Bounty Bash: X
Grip Slam: (F+X)
Shoulder Shimmy: (B+X)
Rising Outlaw: (D+X)
Boot Flick: B
Saloon Strike: (B+B)
Low Boot: (D+B)
Spinning Spur: A
Low Spur: (F+A)
Boot Drop: (D+A) (Amplify: R)
*Ankle Biter: (DF+B) (Outworld Gunslinger)
Jumping Attacks:
Swinging Pistol: Y
Hammer Fist: X
Quick Flick: B/A
Hop Attacks:
Tumbleweed: U, Y / U, X
Drop Kick: U, B / U, A
Getup Attacks:
Quick Shot: (U+X)
Pocket Sand: (U+B)
Flawless Block Attacks:
Quick Shot: (U+X)
Pocket Sand: (U+B)
Toward Throw: (F+L) / (F+Y+B)
Back Throw: L / (Y+B)
Roll Escapes:
Forward Roll Escape: (F+LT)
Away Roll Escape: (B+LT)
Air Escape:
Breakaway: (D+ZR) (In Air)
Combo Attacks:
High Noon: Y, Y [3%]
Into the Badlands: Y, Y, Y [7%]
Violent Ends: Y, Y, A [9%]
Deal in Lead: X, Y [2%]
On The Shoot: X, Y, X, Y, X [12.26%]
At the Dooooor: (B+X), X, X [7.75%]
Dead Man's Hand: (B+X), (U+A) [7%]
Keep'em Honest: (F+B), X [7%]
*Hideout: (B+Y), X, X [7.8%]
*Luddy Mussy: (B+X), (U+A), X X X [10.62%]
*Smells Like Gunpowder: (F+X), Y [4%]
*To The Gallows: (F+X), Y, X, Y [7.8%]
*Pushing Daisies: B, X [4%]
Frost Frost (Unlockable - Complete Chapter 4 of Story Mode)
Basic Attacks:
Cold Punch: Y
Headbutt: (B+Y)
Frigid Palm: (D+Y)
Arctic Strike: X
Icy Maul: (B+X)
Blade Lunge: (F+X)
Frosted Uppercut: (D+X)
Hinged Kick: B
Strong Step: (B+B)
Chest Cold: (D+B)
Chin Breaker: A
Polar Pound: (B+A)
Serrated: (D+A)
Jumping Attacks:
Frosty Burst: Y
Auger Spin: X
Chill Toe: B/A
Hop Attacks:
Auger Slam: U, Y / U, X
Nano Strike: U, B / U, A
Getup Attacks:
Core Burst: (U+X)
Ice Spike: (U+B)
Flawless Block Attacks:
Core Burst: (U+X)
Ice Spike: (U+B)
Toward Throw: (F+L) / (F+Y+B)
Back Throw: L / (Y+B)
Roll Escapes:
Forward Roll Escape: (F+LT)
Away Roll Escape: (B+LT)
Air Escape:
Breakaway: (D+ZR) (In Air)
Combo Attacks:
Seeking Control: Y, B [5%]
Blood Sweat and Circuits: Y, B, X [7%]
Frozen in Time: Y, B, A [5%]
Freezer Burn: (B+Y), X [3%]
Blizzard: (B+Y), X, Y [7%]
Power-Hungry Kunoichi: X, X [3%]
No Humility: X, X, B [7%]
One True Warrioress: X, X, A [9%]
Winter Winds: (B+X), X [3%]
Out Cold: (B+X), X, Y, X [5.85%]
Icy Tomb: B, A, A [5.85%]
Freezing Point: B, A, A, X [7%]
Avalanche: (B+B), X [3%]
Reborn: (B+B), X, (D+Y) [5%]
Ice-Olated: A, B [5%]
Geras Geras
Basic Attacks:
Straight Jab: Y
Shoulder Charge: (F+Y)
Knee Bash: (D+Y)
Heavy Fist: X
Sledge Hammer: (B+X)
Body Buster: (F+X)
Rising Gauntlet: (D+X)
Straight Boot: B
Flying Knee: (F+B)
Gauntlet Slam: (D+B)
Chrono Kick: A
Time Sweeper: (B+A)
Pounding Sand: (D+A)
Jumping Attacks:
Quick Jab: Y
Elbow Drop: X
Tim Splash: (D+X)
Titan Toe: B/A
Hop Attacks:
Time Quake: U, Y / U, X
Heavy Knee: U, B / U, A
Getup Attacks:
Titan Charge: (U+X)
Sand Storm: (U+B)
Flawless Block Attacks:
Titan Charge: (U+X)
Sand Storm: (U+B)
Toward Throw: (F+L) / (F+Y+B)
Back Throw: L / (Y+B)
Roll Escapes:
Forward Roll Escape: (F+LT)
Away Roll Escape: (B+LT)
Air Escape:
Breakaway: (D+ZR) (In Air)
Combo Attacks:
Without Beginning: Y, Y [3%]
Without End: Y, Y, Y [7%]
Out of Time: Y, Y, Y, (Y+B) [10%]
Eternal Hate: (F+Y), (Y+B) [3%]
Xuid & Guid: (F+Y), (Y+B), A [7%]
Time Immemorial: X, A [3%]
The Undying: X, A, Y [7%]
Timeless: (B+X), X [7%]
The Deathless Giant: (F+X), Y [3%]
Matter of Time: (F+X), Y, X [7%]
Sand Blaster: (F+X), X [5%]
Dangerous Chronology: (F+X), X, (Y+B) [10%]
Ripple in Time: (F+B), X [7%]
Jacqui Briggs Jacqui Briggs
Basic Attacks:
Quick Jab: Y
Leaping Blow: (B+Y)
Gut Buster: (F+Y)
Straight Jab: (D+Y)
Cyber Hook: X
Spec Hop: (B+X)
Gauntlet Slam: (F+X)
Rising Gauntlet: (D+X)
Side Kick: B
Toe Jam: (B+B)
Step Kick: (F+B)
Side Strike: (D+B)
Heel Strike: A
Mix Up: (B+A)
    *(Cancel: ZL) (Cybernetic Override)
Roundhouse: (F+A)
Sliding Heel: (D+A)
Jumping Attacks:
Elbow Drop: Y
Dirty Jab: X
Spinning Heel: B/A
Hop Attacks:
Gauntlet Punch: U, Y / U, X
Brutal Heel: U, B / U, A
Getup Attacks:
Cyber Heel: (U+X)
Quick Reflex: (U+B)
Flawless Block Attacks:
Cyber Heel: (U+X)
Quick Reflex: (U+B)
Toward Throw: (F+L) / (F+Y+B)
    *(Amplify: R) (Cybernetic Override)
Back Throw: L / (Y+B)
    *(Amplify: R) (Cybernetic Override)
Roll Escapes:
Forward Roll Escape: (F+LT)
Away Roll Escape: (B+LT)
Air Escape:
Breakaway: (D+ZR) (In Air)
Combo Attacks:
Kranked: Y, Y [3%]
Ground Recon: Y, Y, X [7.75%]
    *Cancel: ZL (Cybernetic Override)
United We Fall: (F+Y), X [5%]
True Hero: X, X [3%]
    *Cancel: ZL (Cybernetic Override)
Snake Eater: X, X, A [7%]
Trained To Kill: (B+X), X [5%]
Energy Overdrive (F+X), (Tap X Rapidly) [5%]
Danger Zone: B, B [13%]
Hawkeye: (B+B), X [3%]
In The Trenches: (B+B), X, A [7%]
Total Overload: (B+B), A [7%]
Going Ballistic: (F+B), Y [3%]
    *Cancel: ZL (Cybernetic Override)
All For One: (F+B), Y, A [5%]
Justice For All: (F+B), Y, A, (Y+B) [10%]
Lost Dog Tags: A, A [7%]
Fallin' Soldier: (F+A), A [7%]
Jade Jade
Basic Attacks:
Quick Slap: Y
Pole Strike: (B+Y)
Straight Palm: (D+Y)
Palm Bash: X
Wiggle Stick: (B+X)
Pole Slam: (F+X)
Rising Staff: (D+X)
Straight Kick: B
Side Kick: (B+B)
Knee Breaker: (F+B)
Side Heel: (D+B)
Stiletto Strike: A
Takedown: (B+A)
Edenian Dance: (F+A)
Pierced: (D+A)
Jumping Attacks:
Edenian Palm: Y
Pole Bash: X
Warrior's Heel: B/A
Hop Attacks:
Staff Slam: U, Y / U, X
Edenian Drill: U, B / U, A
Getup Attacks:
Heavens Heel: (U+X)
Glaiver Saver: (U+B)
Flawless Block Attacks:
Heavens Heel: (U+X)
Glaiver Saver: (U+B)
Toward Throw: (F+L) / (F+Y+B)
Back Throw: L / (Y+B)
Roll Escapes:
Forward Roll Escape: (F+LT)
Away Roll Escape: (B+LT)
Air Escape:
Breakaway: (D+ZR) (In Air)
Combo Attacks:
Simple Seduction: Y, X [3%]
Baited: Y, X, A [7%]
Teaser: (B+Y), X [7%]
Edenian Warrior: X, Y [2%]
Tiny Dancer: X, Y, X [8.56%]
IP Girl: (F+X), Y [7%]
Enchanted: (B+B), A, B [5.85%]
Fatal Attraction: (B+B), A, B, A [7%]
Royal Guard: (F+B), A [5%]
Edenian Rush: (F+B), A, B [5%]
Killer Charisma: A, B [5%]
My Pleasure: (F+A), Y [7%]
Jax Briggs Jax Briggs
Basic Attacks:
Quick Steel: Y
Power Punch: (B+Y)
Knee Jab: (D+Y)
Straight Punch: X
Head Slammer: (B+X)
Hammer Hook: (F+X)
Upper Muscle: (D+X)
Boot Bash: B
Knee Shatter: (B+B)
Steel Toe: (F+B)
Side Strike: (D+B)
Get Back: A
Ankle Breaker: (B+A)
Gur-Knee: (F+A)
Stp Back: (D+A)
Jumping Attacks:
Leaping Fist: Y
Double Damage: X
Hit With a Size 12: B/A
Hop Attacks:
Ground Smash: U, Y / U, X
S.F. Stomp: U, B / U, A
Getup Attacks:
Krushing Backhand: (U+X)
Ground Slam: (U+B)
Flawless Block Attacks:
Krushing Backhand: (U+X)
Ground Slam: (U+B)
Toward Throw: (F+L) / (F+Y+B)
Back Throw: L / (Y+B)
Roll Escapes:
Forward Roll Escape: (F+LT)
Away Roll Escape: (B+LT)
Air Escape:
Breakaway: (D+ZR) (In Air)
Combo Attacks:
The Briggs: Y, X [3%]
Active Duty: Y, X, Y [7%]
Quick Drill: D+Y, X [3%]
Outranked: X, X [2%]
Get In Line: X, X, (D+A) [7%]
Breakdown: (F+X), Y [7%]
Won't Back Down: (F+X), (D+A) [7%]
Boot Kamp: (B+B), X [3%]
Sleep, Bitch: (B+B), X, (Y+B [10%]
Last Chance: (B+B), B [3%]
America Strong: (B+B), B, Y [7%]
Get Outta Here: (F+A), X [7%]
*Major Force: X, X, (Y+B) [11.10%] (Burning Hammer)
*Standing Strong: (F+X), (Y+B) [11%] (Burning Hammer)
*Get Some: (F+B), B, (Y+B) [11%] (Burning Hammer)
Johnny Cage Johnny Cage
Basic Attacks:
First Take: Y
Low Jab: (D+Y)
Hollywood Haymaker: X
Axe Kick: (B+X)
Blazin' Backhand: (F+X)
Upper Cutter: (D+X)
Sudden Violence: B
Massive Strike: (F+B)
Low Boot: (D+B)
Fight Dirty: A
Box Office Hit: (B+A)
Arching Knee: (F+A)
Breaking Bad: (D+A)
Jumping Attacks:
Straight Fame: Y
Hooked: X
Cool Flick: B/A
Hop Attacks:
Something Punchy: U, Y / U, X
Cool Kick: U, B / U, A
Getup Attacks:
Rise and Shine: (U+X)
Dizzy Knee: (U+B)
Flawless Block Attacks:
Rise and Shine: (U+X)
Dizzy Knee: (U+B)
Toward Throw: (F+L) / (F+Y+B)
Back Throw: L / (Y+B)
Roll Escapes:
Forward Roll Escape: (F+LT)
Away Roll Escape: (B+LT)
Air Escape:
Breakaway: (D+ZR) (In Air)
Combo Attacks:
Stand-In: Y, X [3%]
Post Credits: Y, X, Y [7%]
Fix It In Post: Y, X, A [9%]
Comedy and Tragedy: X, A, A [5.7%]
Bad Scripts: X, A, A, (U+A) [9%]
Silent But Deadly: (F+X), Y [3%]
The Gist of My Fist: (F+X), Y, X [7%]
Almost Famous: B, A [5%]
Sell Out: B, A, (D+B) [5%]
Cage Match: B, A, (U+B) [9%]
Director's Cut: (F+B), A, A [5.7%]
Kind of a Big Deal: (F+B), A, A, (U+A) [9%]
No Autographs: (B+B), A [3%]
Making Headlines: (B+B), A, (U+B+A) [11.67%]
Tear Jerker: (F+A), B [9%]
Wing Man: A, A [7%]
Kabal Kabal
Basic Attacks:
Straight Jab: Y
Hook Strike: (B+Y)
Knee Buckle: (D+Y)
Hard Cross: X
Swinging Hooks: (B+X)
Hook Jab: (F+X)
Rising Fist: (D+X)
Straight Boot: B
Heel Strike: (F+B)
Side Kick: (D+B)
Spin Kick: A
Sweeping Hooks: (B+A)
Deadly Knee: (F+A)
Hook Swipe: (D+A)
Jumping Attacks:
Black Dragon Bash: Y
Blade Jab: X
Flick Kick: B/A
Hop Attacks:
Hammering Hooks: U, Y / U, X
Brute Kick: U, B / U, A
Getup Attacks:
Hook Spin: (U+X)
Hook Punch: (U+B)
Flawless Block Attacks:
Hook Spin: (U+X)
Hook Punch: (U+B)
Toward Throw: (F+L) / (F+Y+B)
Back Throw: L / (Y+B)
Roll Escapes:
Forward Roll Escape: (F+LT)
Away Roll Escape: (B+LT)
Air Escape:
Breakaway: (D+ZR) (In Air)
Combo Attacks:
Last Breath: Y, Y [2%]
Hooks and Blood Splatters: Y, Y, Y [7%]
Eviscerated: (B+Y), X [3%]
Extermination Squad: (B+Y), X, (D+X) [7%]
Scary Face: X, X [3%]
Vapor Trails: X, X, Y [7%]
Sandman: X, B [7%]
Kabal's Deep: (F+X), X [3%]
Maimed and Mangled: (F+X), X, A [7%]
Left For Dead: (F+A), (Y+B) [8%]
Kano Kano
Basic Attacks:
Bloody Knuckles: Y
Blade Evade: (B+Y)
Lunging Brute: (F+Y)
Knee Cutter: (D+Y)
Scarred: X
Deadly Graze: (B+X)
Dirty Hit: (F+X)
Black Dragon Bash: (D+X)
High Boot: B
Enzuigiri: (B+B)
Under Kick: (F+B)
Low Hinge: (D+B)
Face Breaker: A
Donkey Kick: (B+A)
Wheel Kick: (F+A)
Devo Strike: (D+A)
Jumping Attacks:
Bladed: Y
Outback Bash: X
Kangaroo Kick: B/A
Hop Attacks:
G'Day Mate: U, Y / U, X
Brutal Heel: U, B / U, A
Getup Attacks:
Cheeky Swipes: (U+X)
Quick Burn: (U+B)
Flawless Block Attacks:
Cheeky Swipes: (U+X)
Quick Burn: (U+B)
Toward Throw: (F+L) / (F+Y+B)
Back Throw: L / (Y+B)
Roll Escapes:
Forward Roll Escape: (F+LT)
Away Roll Escape: (B+LT)
Air Escape:
Breakaway: (D+ZR) (In Air)
Combo Attacks:
Come A Gutser: Y, Y [3%]
Blood Worth Bottling: Y, Y, X [7%]
Spewin' (F+Y), X [0%]
Fair Suck of the Sav: (F+Y), X, (B+X) [7%]
Cut Snake: X, X [3%]
Deadly Digger: X, A [2%]
Blown Away: (F+X), U, (D+A) [12%]
*Figjam: X, X, (Y+B) [10%] (Amplify: R) (Manhandled)
*Takedown: X, A, (Y+B) [10%] (Spin the Dummy: R) (Manhandled)
*Penal Colony: (F+A), B [7%] (Manhandled)
Kitana Kitana
Basic Attacks:
Blade Jab: Y
Back Swipe: (B+Y)
Low Poke: (D+Y)
Neck Slice: X
Royal Hand: (B+X)
Fan Out: (F+X)
Rising Power: (D+X)
Pretty Kick: B
Quick Flick: (B+B)
Heel Poke: (D+B)
Spinning Heel: A
Low Slice: (B+A)
Fan Stab: (D+A)
Jumping Attacks:
Punishing Poke: Y
Edenian Strike: X
Bloody Heel: B/A
Hop Attacks:
Full Slice: U, Y / U, X
Flick Kick: U, B / U, A
Getup Attacks:
Step Back: (U+X)
Fanning Out: (U+B)
Flawless Block Attacks:
Step Back: (U+X)
Fanning Out: (U+B)
Toward Throw: (F+L) / (F+Y+B)
Back Throw: L / (Y+B)
Roll Escapes:
Forward Roll Escape: (F+LT)
Away Roll Escape: (B+LT)
Air Escape:
Breakaway: (D+ZR) (In Air)
Combo Attacks:
Learn Respect: Y, X [3%]
Dark Empress: Y, X, (D+X) [7%]
New Power: (B+Y), B [3%]
No Mercy: (B+Y), B, Y [7%]
Purge the Weak: (B+Y), A [5.85%]
Dark Deception: (B+Y), A, X [5%]
Fan-Tastic: X, Y [3]
Edenian Dance: X, Y, X, X, X [7.42%]
Noble Assault: X, Y, A, B, A [9.41%]
A Royal Welcome: (B+X), B, Y [7.65%]
Follow Me: (B+X), B, Y, B, A, B [8.56%]
Dark Empress 2: (B+X), B, Y, (D+X) [7%]
Leave Now: (F+X), X, X, X [11.13%]
Follow the Leader: (F+X), B, A [9.65%]
Blood Sacrifice: B, X [3%]
Punishment: B, X, Y, X [5.85%]
Eternal Damnation: (B+B), A [5%]
Kollector Kollector
Basic Attacks:
Claw Swipe: Y
Raising Hell: (B+Y)
Sickle Slice: (F+Y)
Bloody Nails: (D+Y)
Lantern Burst: X
Lantern Slam: (B+X)
Knee Breaker: (F+X)
Rising Claws: (D+X)
Violent Heel: B
Death Spin: (B+B)
Korrupted Kick: (F+B)
Leg Check: (D+B)
Malice Mace: A
Tax Burden: (B+A)
Mace Drop: (F+A)
Low Mace: (D+A)
Jumping Attacks:
Punishing Strike: Y
Kura Slam: X
Kura Heel: B/A
Hop Attacks:
Menacing Fist: U, Y / U, X
Debt Kick: U, B / U, A
Getup Attacks:
Flailing Mace: (U+X)
Rising Flames: (U+B)
Flawless Block Attacks:
Flailing Mace: (U+X)
Rising Flames: (U+B)
Toward Throw: (F+L) / (F+Y+B)
Back Throw: L / (Y+B)
Roll Escapes:
Forward Roll Escape: (F+LT)
Away Roll Escape: (B+LT)
Air Escape:
Breakaway: (D+ZR) (In Air)
Combo Attacks:
Blood Money: Y, B [3%]
Price to Pay: Y, B, Y [7%]
The Enforcer: (B+Y), X [5%]
Chaotic Magic: (B+Y), X, X [5%]
Ill-Gotten Gains: (F+Y), X [5.85%]
Slice and Dice: (B+Y), X, (D+Y) [5%]
Debt is Paid: (B+Y), X, (D+X) [5%]
Mine Mine Mine: X, (Y+B) [6%]
Play for Souls: X, (Y+B), A [5%]
Pillaged: (F+X), X [3%]
Taxed: (F+X), X, (Y+B) [11.9%]
Lie and Cheat: (B+X), B [5%]
Greed: (B+X), B, B [5%]
Take it All: B, X [7%]
Paid in Full: (F+B), Y [3%]
With Interest: (F+B), Y, X [3%]
Take and Deny: (F+B), Y, X, B [5%]
No Collateral: A, A [3%]
Ravages of Time: A, A, B [5%]
Kotal Kahn Kotal Kahn
Basic Attacks:
Bloody Knuckles: Y
Royal Backhand: (F+Y)
Low Swipe: (D+Y)
Temple Punch: X
Macuahuitl Swipe: (B+X)
Blade Push: (F+X)
Rising Kahn: (D+X)
Flick Kick: B
Knee Shatter: (F+B)
Side Strike: (D+B)
Heavy Blade: A
Mace Sweep: (B+A)
Brutal Boot: (F+A)
Warrior Spin: (D+A)
Jumping Attacks:
Reaching Fist: Y
Hammer Slam: X
Straight Kick: B/A
Hop Attacks:
Coatl Slam: U, Y / U, X
Kritical Kick: U, B / U, A
Getup Attacks:
Rising Mehtizquia: (U+X)
Tonatiuh Blast: (U+B)
Flawless Block Attacks:
Rising Mehtizquia: (U+X)
Tonatiuh Blast: (U+B)
Toward Throw: (F+L) / (F+Y+B)
Back Throw: L / (Y+B)
Roll Escapes:
Forward Roll Escape: (F+LT)
Away Roll Escape: (B+LT)
Air Escape:
Breakaway: (D+ZR) (In Air)
Combo Attacks:
Tlamanalo: Y, X [3%]
Soleil: Y, X, X [7%]
Tenchalli Bash: (F+Y), X [3%]
Cuazquia: (F+Y), X, X [7%]
Metzli: (F+Y), A [7%]
Impitzoyo: X, X [3%]
Coatl Strikes: X, X, Y [7%]
Tlaneltocaz: (F+X), A [5%]
Mahuiztiquez: (F+X), A, B [5%]
Tonaltzintli: (B+X), X [5%]
Mehtizquia: (B+X), X, B [7%]
Xolotl: B, A [7%]
Melahuac: (F+B), A [7%]
Kung Lao Kung Lao
Basic Attacks:
Shaolin Fist: Y
Step Punch: (F+Y)
Low Palm: (D+Y)
Straight Poke: X
Hat Slice: (F+X)
Rising Rim: (D+X)
High Kick: B
Dragon Step: (B+B)
Side Kick: (D+B)
Spin Kick: A
Sweeping Razor: (B+A)
Twin Kicks: (F+A)
Back Kick: (D+A)
Jumping Attacks:
Razor Edge: Y
Shaolin Strike: X
Light Kick: B/A
Hop Attacks:
Vicious Slice: U, Y / U, X
Shaolin Shalhoub: U, B / U, A
Getup Attacks:
Rising Hat: (U+X)
Flip Kick: (U+B)
Flawless Block Attacks:
Rising Hat: (U+X)
Flip Kick: (U+B)
Toward Throw: (F+L) / (F+Y+B)
Back Throw: L / (Y+B)
Roll Escapes:
Forward Roll Escape: (F+LT)
Away Roll Escape: (B+LT)
Air Escape:
Breakaway: (D+ZR) (In Air)
Combo Attacks:
Fist Fury: Y, X [3%]
Order of Light: Y, X, Y [5%]
Fatal Blow: Y, X, X [7.75%]
Monk Dunk: (F+Y), X [7%]
Lost Soul: (F+Y), B [5.85%]
Deadly Path: (F+Y), B, (U+X) [7%]
Under Control: X, Y [5.85%]
Double Yang: X, Y, X, Y, X [9.05%]
Kung Tang: X, Y, X, Y, X, A [7%]
Broken Faith: X, Y, A [7%]
Disrespect: (F+X), Y [3%]
Flowing Water: (F+X), Y, A [5.85%]
Plum Flower: B, A [7%]
Heavy Mountain: (B+B), X [5.85%]
Iron Broom: (B+B), X, Y [7%]
Liu Kang Liu Kang
Basic Attacks:
Power Punch: Y
Silent Chop: (B+Y)
Low Backhand: (D+Y)
Chosen Strike: X
Nunchaku Strike: (B+X)
Kontei Slam: (F+X)
Rising Shaku: (D+X)
Dragon Kick: B
Quick Step: (B+B)
Double Dragon Kick: (F+B)
Crouching Kick: (D+B)
Shaolin Spin: A
Chaku Sweep: (B+A)
Lotus Strikes: (F+A)
Dragon's Tail: (D+A)
Jumping Attacks:
Fist of the Lotus: Y
Dragon Claw: X
Heavy Heel: B/A
Hop Attacks:
One Inch Punch: U, Y / U, X
Flame Stomp: U, B / U, A
Getup Attacks:
Rising Dragon: (U+X)
Game of Death: (U+B)
Flawless Block Attacks:
Rising Dragon: (U+X)
Game of Death: (U+B)
Toward Throw: (F+L) / (F+Y+B)
Back Throw: L / (Y+B)
Roll Escapes:
Forward Roll Escape: (F+LT)
Away Roll Escape: (B+LT)
Air Escape:
Breakaway: (D+ZR) (In Air)
Combo Attacks:
Total Destruction: Y, X [3%]
Twin Lotus: Y, X, B [5%]
Dark Orders: (B+Y), X, A [6.75%]
The Time Has Come: X, Y, X [5.85%]
Done Listening: X, Y, X, Y [7%]
Lost Soul: (B+X), (D+X) [7%]
No Loyalty: B, A [5%]
A Quick End: B, A, B [5]
This Will Hurt: (B+B), A [5%]
Dragon's Breath: (F+B), B, B, B [6.75%]
Shaolin Warrior: (F+A), B [3%]
Chinese Warrior: (F+A), B, (U+B) [5%]
Noob Saibot Noob Saibot
Basic Attacks:
Heavy Knuckles: Y
Shadow Poke: (B+Y)
Knee Hook: (D+Y)
Straight Fist: X
Dark Push: (B+X)
Turning Chop: (F+X)
Rising Sickle: (D+X)
Straight Kick: B
Shadow Slice: (B+B)
High Kick: (F+B)
Boot Slide: (D+B)
Dark Heel: A
Sickle Sweep: (B+A)
Sneaky Saibot: (F+A)
Sickle Strike: (D+A)
Jumping Attacks:
Dark Jab: Y
Sickle Swipe: X
Wraith Kick: B/A
Hop Attacks:
Sickle Slam: U, Y / U, X
Spinning Wraith: U, B / U, A
Getup Attacks:
Slick Sickle: (U+X)
Wraith Boot: (U+B)
Flawless Block Attacks:
Slick Sickle: (U+X)
Wraith Boot: (U+B)
Toward Throw: (F+L) / (F+Y+B)
Back Throw: L / (Y+B)
Roll Escapes:
Forward Roll Escape: (F+LT)
Away Roll Escape: (B+LT)
Air Escape:
Breakaway: (D+ZR) (In Air)
Combo Attacks:
Creeping Shadow: Y, Y [3%]
Empty Grave: Y, Y, X [9%]
Tormented Souls: Y, Y, B [7%]
As One: (B+Y), (Y+B [3%]
For the Brotherhood: (B+Y), Y+B, X [7%]
Total Darkness: X, Y [3%]
Resurrected: X, Y, X [7%]
Fade to Black: (F+X), X [3%]
Evil Within: (F+X), X, Y [5%]
Waiting Wraith: (F+X), X, Y, X [7%]
Sinister Silhouette: (B+B), (Y+B [8%]
Raiden Raiden
Basic Attacks:
Heavy Palm: Y
God Fist: (B+Y)
High Poke: (F+Y)
Side Strike: (D+Y)
Straight Shock: X
Hammer Fists: (B+X)
Heavy Storm: (F+X)
Rising Lightning: (D+X)
Chop Kick: B
Crawling Storm: (B+B)
Flick Kick: (F+B)
Low Boot: (D+B)
High Strike: A
Spinning Heel: (B+A)
Thunder Knee: (F+A)
Sweeping Storm: (D+A)
Jumping Attacks:
God Strike: Y
Light Shock: X
Lightning Kick: B/A
Hop Attacks:
Lightning Hammer: U, Y / U, X
Heavy Thunder: U, B / U, A
Getup Attacks:
Shocker: (U+X)
Electric Current: (U+B)
Flawless Block Attacks:
Shocker: (U+X)
Electric Current: (U+B)
Toward Throw: (F+L) / (F+Y+B)
Back Throw: L / (Y+B)
Roll Escapes:
Forward Roll Escape: (F+LT)
Away Roll Escape: (B+LT)
Air Escape:
Breakaway: (D+ZR) (In Air)
Combo Attacks:
God's Might: Y, X [3%]
Downpour: Y, X, Y [7%]
Elder Fury: (B+Y), X [3%]
Power Discharge: (B+Y), X, (Y+B) [9%]
Distant Thunder: (B+Y), A [7%]
Divine Power: (F+Y), Y [3%]
Sudden Energy: (F+Y), Y, X [7%]
Overload: X, Y [5%]
Flash Storm: X, A [3%]
Immortal Strikes: X, A, B [5%]
Wrath of God: B, X [3%]
Deadly Storm: B, X, Y [7%]
The Calm: (B+B), Y [5%]
Might of Mordulus: (B+B), Y, (X+A) [7%]
Massive Destruction: (F+B), X [7%]
Scorpion Scorpion
Basic Attacks:
Straight Punch: Y
Gut Slice: (B+Y)
Low Jab: (D+Y)
Specter Strike: X
Rising Cut: (B+X)
Rising Spear: (D+X)
Hinge Kick: B
Flip Kick: (B+B)
Flick Kick: (F+B)
Side Strike: (D+B)
Step Kick: A
Scorpion Sting: (B+A)
Shin Strike: (F+A)
Quick Kick: (D+A)
Jumping Attacks:
Hell Hook: Y
Straight Stab: X
Devil Kick: B/A
Hop Attacks:
Spear Stab: U, Y / U, X
Corkscrew Kick: U, B / U, A
Getup Attacks:
Rising Blade: (U+X)
Spear Slice: (U+B)
Flawless Block Attacks:
Rising Blade: (U+X)
Spear Slice: (U+B)
Toward Throw: (F+L) / (F+Y+B)
Back Throw: L / (Y+B)
Roll Escapes:
Forward Roll Escape: (F+LT)
Away Roll Escape: (B+LT)
Air Escape:
Breakaway: (D+ZR) (In Air)
Combo Attacks:
The Damned: Y, Y [3%]
Torment: Y, Y, X [7%]
Eternal Vengeance: (B+Y), A [3%]
Haunted: (B+Y), A, Y [7.75%]
The Killing: (B+Y), A, B [5%]
Banished: X, Y [2%]
Dark Soul: X, Y, X [5%]
Falling Ashes: (F+B), A [7%]
Inner Demon: (F+A), X [3%]
Soulless: (F+A), X, B [7%]
*Wrath: X, Y, (X+A) [12%] (Death Spear Kombo)
*Hack and Slash: (F+B), X [7.75%] (Death Spear Kombo)
Skarlet Skarlet
Basic Attacks:
Quick Prick: Y
Slick Scimitar: (B+Y)
Silent Stab: (D+Y)
Slicing Scimitar: X
Scythe Slam: (B+X)
Whip Snap: (F+X)
Cutter: (D+X)
Crack the Whip: B
Spear Stab: (B+B)
Spear Strike: (D+B)
Snap Kick: A
Reaching Whip: (B+A)
Gut Buster: (F+A)
Spinning Scythe: (D+A)
Jumping Attacks:
Bleeding Dagger: Y
Downward Stab: X
Blood Kick: B/A
Hop Attacks:
Punishing Spear: U, Y / U, X
Krimson Kick: U, B / U, A
Getup Attacks:
Bloody Boots: (U+X)
Side Slice: (U+B)
Flawless Block Attacks:
Bloody Boots: (U+X)
Side Slice: (U+B)
Toward Throw: (F+L) / (F+Y+B)
Back Throw: L / (Y+B)
Roll Escapes:
Forward Roll Escape: (F+LT)
Away Roll Escape: (B+LT)
Air Escape:
Breakaway: (D+ZR) (In Air)
Combo Attacks:
Redrum: Y, X [3%]
Marrow Massacre: Y, X, A [5%]
Thicker Than Water: (B+Y), X [7%]
Komplete Karnage: X, Y [3%]
The End is Nigh: X, Y, X [5%]
Quick Transfusion: (F+X), Y [7%]
Simple Slaughter: (B+B), A [5%]
Koagulation: A, A [7%]
Bleeding: (F+A), B [7%]
Sonya Blade Sonya Blade
Basic Attacks:
Knuckle Buster: Y
Bo Bash: (B+Y)
Energy Burst: (D+Y)
Heavy Blast: X
Controlled Energy: (B+X)
Hellish Hook: (F+X)
Rising Stars: (D+X)
Steel Toe Strike: B
Leg Strike: (B+B)
Boot Kamp: (F+B)
Side Boot: (D+B)
Damaged Boot: A
Spinning General: (B+A)
Flying Knee: (F+A)
Low Burst: (D+A)
Jumping Attacks:
Overpowered: Y
Military Jab: X
Kevlar Kicker: B/A
*Air Marching Orders: (D+A) (Air Marching Orders)
Hop Attacks:
Boot Licker Bash: U, Y / U, X
Flip Kick: U, B / U, A
Getup Attacks:
Backflip Kick: (U+X)
Energy Discharge: (U+B)
Flawless Block Attacks:
Backflip Kick: (U+X)
Energy Discharge: (U+B)
Toward Throw: (F+L) / (F+Y+B)
Back Throw: L / (Y+B)
Roll Escapes:
Forward Roll Escape: (F+LT)
Away Roll Escape: (B+LT)
Air Escape:
Breakaway: (D+ZR) (In Air)
Combo Attacks:
Advanced Warfare: Y, Y [2%]
Target Acquired: Y, Y, X [7%]
Stars and Stripes: Y, B [5%]
At Ease: Y, B, A [7%]
Ambush: (B+Y), X [3%]
Overwatch: (B+Y), X, B [5%]
Shoot And Scoot: (B+Y), A [7%]
Pulling Rank: X, Y [2%]
Kounter Attack: X, Y, X, X [3.9%]
Frontal Assault: X, Y, X, X, (Y+B) [9%]
Raided: (B+X), B [3%]
Under Siege: (B+X), B, (D+X) [5%]
HOOAH: (B+X), B, A (Cancel: Hold D) [5%]
No Withdrawal: (F+X), Y [5.85%]
No Back Up: (F+X), Y, A [7%]
Unconditional Surrender: B, B [3%]
On My Mark: B, B, B [3%]
Vedette: B, B, B, (D+A) [8%]
Going Rogue: (B+B), (D+A) [7%]
Going in Loud: (B+B), (U+A) [5%]
Last Patrol: (B+B), (U+A), B [7%]
Bravo Zulu: (F+A), (Y+B) [6%]
Decisive Victory: (F+A), (Y+B), X, X, X, X [6%]
Sub-Zero Sub-Zero
Basic Attacks:
Straight Chop: Y
Axe Bash: (B+Y)
Low Back Hand: (D+Y)
Palm Strike: X
Rising Axe: (B+X)
Double Axe Slam: (F+X)
Rising Doom: (D+X)
Lin Kuei Kick: B
Shin Shatter: (B+B)
Quick Kick: (D+B)
Roundhouse: A
Chilled Sweep: (B+A)
Brutal Kick: (F+A)
Swing Kick: (D+A)
Jumping Attacks:
Heavy Fist: Y
Straight Punch: X
Cold Boot: B/A
Hop Attacks:
Frigid Strike: U, Y / U, X
Cold Front: U, B / U, A
Getup Attacks:
Axe Swipe: (U+X)
Chilled Heel: (U+B)
Flawless Block Attacks:
Axe Swipe: (U+X)
Chilled Heel: (U+B)
Toward Throw: (F+L) / (F+Y+B)
Back Throw: L / (Y+B)
Roll Escapes:
Forward Roll Escape: (F+LT)
Away Roll Escape: (B+LT)
Air Escape:
Breakaway: (D+ZR) (In Air)
Combo Attacks:
Chinese Ninja Warrior: Y, X [3%]
Cold Encounter: Y, X, A [7%]
Icy Grave: (B+Y), A [3%]
Frozen Over: (B+Y), A, B [5%]
Frozen Tundra: X, Y [3%]
New Threat: X, Y, X [7%]
Unchained: (B+X), Y [7%]
Final Draw: (F+X), A [11.65%]
Below Freezing: B, B [7%]
Permafrost: (B+B), X [3%]
Frosty: (B+B), X, Y [7%]
Downloadable Characters (DLC):

Shao Kahn Shao Kahn (DLC)
Basic Attacks:
Face Smash: Y
Dragon Fist: (D+Y)
Hammer Slam: X
Tenderizer: (B+X)
Rage Strike: (F+X)
Rising Wrath: (D+X)
Brutal Kick: B
Dragon Toe: (B+B)
Shao Shimmy: (F+B)
Knee Shatter: (D+B)
Petty Kick: A
Hammer Slammer: (B+A)
Kahn Kick: (F+A)
Side Spike: (D+A)
Jumping Attacks:
Hammer Poke: Y
Final Strike: X
Double Dragon Kick: B/A
Hop Attacks:
Quick Slam: U, Y / U, X
Breaking Dragon Claw: U, B / U, A
Getup Attacks:
Fatal Warning: (U+X)
Deadly Swipe: (U+B)
Flawless Block Attacks:
Fatal Warning: (U+X)
Deadly Swipe: (U+B)
Toward Throw: (F+L) / (F+Y+B)
Back Throw: L / (Y+B)
Roll Escapes:
Forward Roll Escape: (F+LT)
Away Roll Escape: (B+LT)
Air Escape:
Breakaway: (D+ZR) (In Air)
Combo Attacks:
Warlord: Y, X [3%]
DIE: Y, X, (Y+B) [14%]
Takeover: Y, A [3%]
Merging Realms: Y, A, X [7%]
You Will Die: X, Y [3%]
Is That Your Best: X, Y, X [7%]
Power of Shao Kahn: X, B [5%]
Die By My Hands: X, B, X [7%]
Will You Fail: (F+X), Y [5%]
Bow To Me: (F+X), Y, X [7%]
Fear Me: (F+X), A [7%]
You Will Never Win: (F+B), A [5%]
Last Breath: (F+B), (Y+B) [13%]
Konquer All: A, A [7%]
Shang Tsung Shang Tsung (DLC)
Basic Attacks:
Spear Jab: Y
Thigh Tear: (B+Y)
Serpent Stab: (D+Y)
Tiger Fist Crush: X
Spiritual Eruption: (B+X)
Skull Collapse: (F+X)
Soaring Fist: (D+X)
Sternum Breaker: B
Deception Sweep: (B+B)
Rushing Spike: (F+B)
Ankle Snap: (D+B)
Throat Kick: A
Dragon's Claw Gouge: (B+A)
Rising Chest Kick: (F+A)
Stance Breaker: (D+A)
Jumping Attacks:
Raining Spear: Y
Crushing Palm: X
Hawk Kick: B/A
Hop Attacks:
Soul Barrier: U, Y / U, X
Hawk Spike: U, B / U, A
Getup Attacks:
Cinder Swipe: (U+X)
Ash Flare: (U+B)
Flawless Block Attacks:
Cinder Swipe: (U+X)
Ash Flare: (U+B)
Toward Throw: (F+L) / (F+Y+B)
Back Throw: L / (Y+B)
Roll Escapes:
Forward Roll Escape: (F+LT)
Away Roll Escape: (B+LT)
Air Escape:
Breakaway: (D+ZR) (In Air)
Combo Attacks:
Soul Stain: Y, Y [3%]
Dark Arts: Y, Y, X [7%]
Bad Omen: Y, Y, A [5%]
Death Walker: (B+Y), Y [3%]
Soul Torment: (B+Y), Y, X [7%]
Reserved Pain: (B+Y), (D+X) [7%]
Restored Youth: X, Y [3%]
Burning Vigor: X, Y, (U+X), (D+X) [9.33%]
Playtime: X, Y, A [7%]
Damned Souls: (B+X), Y, Y [5.7%]
Death Trap: (B+X), Y, Y, X [5%]
Shapeshifter: (F+X), A [3%]
Burning Evil: (F+X), A, X [7%]
Tipping The Scales: (F+X), A, B [7%]
Raising Hell: B, (U+X) [5%]
Soul Stealer: B, (U+X), (D+X) [5%]
Ruthless: (B+B), (U+A) [3%]
Deadly Truth: (B+B), (U+A), B, A [9.75%]
Sorcerer Sweep: (B+B), (D+A) [7%]
Nightwolf Nightwolf (DLC)
Basic Attacks:
Rabbit Punch: Y
Waxing Crescent: (B+Y)
Thresher: (F+Y)
Low Stab: (D+Y)
Stone Crusher: X
Soaring Winds: (B+X)
Enemy Harvest: (F+X)
Rising Blades: (D+X)
Heartbreaker: B
Return to Dust: (B+B)
Uncertain Ground: (D+B)
Lunar Roundhouse: A
Churning Earth: (B+A)
Hobbling Kick: (D+A)
Jumping Attacks:
Eagle Rake: Y
New Moon: X
Dropkick: B/A
Hop Attacks:
Howling Blade: U, Y / U, X
Hawk Talon: U, B / U, A
Getup Attacks:
Moon Rise: (U+X)
Eviction Kick: (U+B)
Flawless Block Attacks:
Moon Rise: (U+X)
Eviction Kick: (U+B)
Toward Throw: (F+L) / (F+Y+B)
Back Throw: L / (Y+B)
Roll Escapes:
Forward Roll Escape: (F+LT)
Away Roll Escape: (B+LT)
Air Escape:
Breakaway: (D+ZR) (In Air)
Combo Attacks:
Twin Hares: Y, Y [3%]
Axe Blast: Y, Y, Y [5%]
Blade and Edge: Y, Y, X [9%]
Natural Delay: (B+Y), B [3%]
Ancestral Rites: (B+Y), B, X [7%]
Tomahawk Smash: (F+Y), X [3%]
Deadly Dance: (F+Y), X, Y, X [7%]
Ambush Punch: X, X [5%]
Lie in Wait: X, X, X [5%]
Boar's Tusks: (F+X), Y [3%]
Violent Divide: (F+X), Y, X, Y [5.85%]
Bull and Bear: (F+X), Y, A [5%]
Howling Wolf: B, Y [3%]
Deadly Talon: B, Y, X [5%]
Falcon Swap: (B+B), A [3%]
Wing Clipper: (B+B), A, (D+A) [5%]
*Helmsplitter: X, X, (Y+B) [9%] (Grappling Stalker)
*Razor's Edge: (B+B), A, (Y+B) [15%] (Grappling Stalker)
The Terminator The Terminator (DLC)
Basic Attacks:
Endo Strike: Y
Hammer Slammer: (B+Y) [*(Amplify: R) (Vice Grip)]
Gut Buster: (D+Y)
Heavy Hook: X
Double Barrel: (B+X)
Wrecking Ball: (F+X)
Rising Shrapnel: (D+X)
Steel Heel: B
Rising Piston: (B+B)
Endo Stomp: (F+B)
Rising Boot: (D+B)
Heavy Sole: A
Barrel Bash: (B+A)
Big Boot: (F+A)
Shin Breaker: (D+A)
Jumping Attacks:
Aerial Dominance: Y
High Altitude Bomber: X
Skull Crush: B/A
Hop Attacks:
Alloy Hammer: U, Y / U, X [*(Amplify: R) (Terraformer)]
Controlled Demolition: U, B / U, A
Getup Attacks:
Piston Launcher: (U+X)
Unbending Frame: (U+B)
Flawless Block Attacks:
Piston Launcher: (U+X)
Unbending Frame: (U+B)
Toward Throw: (F+L) / (F+Y+B)
Back Throw: L / (Y+B)
Roll Escapes:
Getup Forward Roll: (F+LT)
Getup Backward Roll: (B+LT)
Air Escape:
Breakaway: (D+ZR) (In Air)
Combo Attacks:
Security Threat: Y, X [3%]
Eliminate All Humanity: Y, X, Y [3%]
Rose From Ashes: Y, X, B [7%]
World Ended: X, Y [3%]
Robot Apocalypse: X, Y, X [9%]
Say Goodbye: (F+X), (Y+B) [7%] [*(Amplify: R) (Terraformer)]
System Overload: (B+B), Y [3%]
Catastrophic Crash: (B+B), Y, X [7%]
No Escape: (F+B), X [7%]
Unstoppable Machine: (F+B), A [9%]
Sindel Sindel (DLC)
Basic Attacks:
Throat Cutter: Y
Edenian Burst: (D+Y)
Shrill Screech: X
Arcane Overload: (B+X)
Royal Procession: (F+X)
Rising Purpose: (D+X)
Leaping Heel: B
Patella Smash: (B+B)
Kewl Whip: (D+B)
Heel Drop: A
Achilles Slicer: (B+A)
Wheeling Crash: (F+A)
Tousle Twist: (D+A)
Jumping Attacks:
Aerial Burst: Y
Royal Whip: X
Royal Descent: B/A
Hop Attacks:
Crashing Edict: U, Y / U, X
Spiral Weave: U, B / U, A
Getup Attacks:
Hair Snap: (U+X)
Screech: (U+B)
Flawless Block Attacks:
Hair Snap: (U+X)
Screech: (U+B)
Toward Throw: (F+L) / (F+Y+B)
Back Throw: L / (Y+B)
Roll Escapes:
Forward Roll Escape: (F+LT)
Away Roll Escape: (B+LT)
Air Escape:
Breakaway: (D+ZR) (In Air)
Combo Attacks:
You Will Die: Y, Y [3%]
Come Forward: Y, Y, X [7%]
Pathetic And Weak: X, B [5%]
Banshee's Cry: X, B, A [7%]
Queen's Wrath: (F+X), Y [3%]
Evil Queen: (F+X), Y, (U+X) [5%]
Malevolent Queen: (F+X), Y, (D+X) [7%]
Jerrod's Betrayer: (B+B), A [5%]
Back It Up: (B+B), A, X [7%]
Bride of Kahn: (B+B), A, A [5%]
Dark Intentions: (F+A), (U+B) [7%]
The Joker The Joker (DLC)
Basic Attacks:
Vaudeville Hook: Y
Kard Trick: (F+Y)
Joking Jab: (D+Y)
Ehh: X
The Joker Poker: (F+X)
Rise Up: (D+X)
Silly Sidestep: B
Kurb Stomp: (B+B)
Laughing Lunge: (F+B)
Wing Tip: (D+B)
Chuck Chapp Lyn: A
Fritz Trip: (B+A)
Big Finish: (D+A)
Jumping Attacks:
Flying Clown: Y
Full Swing: X
Clown Shoes: B/A
Hop Attacks:
Fritz Slam: U, Y / U, X
Ta-Da: U, B / U, A
Getup Attacks:
Astaire Step: (U+B)
Flawless Block Attacks:
Astaire Step: (U+B)
Toward Throw: (F+L) / (F+Y+B)
Back Throw: L / (Y+B)
Roll Escapes:
Getup Forward Roll: (F+LT)
Getup Backward Roll: (B+LT)
Air Escape:
Breakaway: (D+ZR) (In Air)
Combo Attacks:
Jester Of Genocide: Y, X [3%]
One Bad Day: Y, X, Y [5%]
Super Sanity: Y, X, X [7%]
The Man Who Laughs: Y, X, B [5%]
Clown Prince: (F+Y), A [5%]
Have A Laugh: (F+Y), A, X [7%]
Anarchy In The Air: X, Y [7%]
Pale Moonlight: X, Y, B [7%]
Harlequin Of Hate: X, Y, A [7%]
Power Of Laughter: (F+X), Y [5%]
Show's Over: (F+X), Y, X [7%]
Calmed By Chaos: (B+B), X [3%]
Joke's On You: (B+B), X, A [5%]
Grand Entrance: (F+B), X [9%]
Spawn Spawn (DLC)
Basic Attacks:
Hellish Hook: Y
Shroud Strike: (B+Y)
Low Claw: (D+Y)
Straight Pain: X
Spinning K7: (F+X)
Rising Cape: (D+X)
Chain Poke: B
Side Kick: (D+B)
Spinning Heel: A
Haunting Reflection: (B+A)
Devil's Boot: (F+A)
Necro Burst: (D+A)
Jumping Attacks:
The Betrayer: Y
War Devil: X
Hell's General: B/A
Hop Attacks:
Leetha-Lash: U, Y / U, X
Hammering Chains: U, B / U, A
Getup Attacks:
The Hunt: (U+X)
Reflections: (U+B)
Flawless Block Attacks:
The Hunt: (U+X)
Reflections: (U+B)
Toward Throw: (F+L) / (F+Y+B)
Back Throw: L / (Y+B)
Roll Escapes:
Forward Roll Escape: (F+LT)
Away Roll Escape: (B+LT)
Air Escape:
Breakaway: (D+ZR) (In Air)
Combo Attacks:
Back From Hell: Y, Y [3%]
D-E-D, Dead!: Y, Y, X [7%]
Soul Chamber: Y, Y, (B+X) [9%]
Fighting The Phlebiacs: (B+Y), X [5%]
I'm Already Dead: X, A [5%]
Heaven and Hell: X, A, (U+B), X [7.33%]
Vaporizer's Visage: (F+X), Y [3%]
Vacillator's Decision: (F+X), Y, (U+X) [7%]
The King of Hell: (F+X), B [5%]
Violator's Wrath: (F+X), B, A [7%]
It's About Power: B, A [5%]
For Wanda: (F+A), Y, B [7.75%]
Mortal Kombat 11: Aftermath
Characters: (DLC)

Fujin Fujin (DLC)
Basic Attacks:
Straight Punch: Y
Quick Slice: (B+Y)
Gut Shot: (D+Y)
Hilt Strike: X
Bending Wind: (B+X)
Close Bending Wind: (B+X), B
Crosswind: (F+X)
Rising Storm: (D+X)
Flick Kick: B
Low Drift: (F+B)
Knee Buckler: (D+B)
Bo Rai Toe: A
Takedown: (B+A)
Kai Kick: (F+A)
Swirl Kick: (D+A)
Jumping Attacks:
Flying Slash: Y
Wind Fist: X
Storm Boot: B/A
Hop Attacks:
Overhead Slash: U, Y / U, X
Lui He Kick: U, B / U, A
Getup Attacks:
Spinning Kusanagi (U+X)
Heavy Gust: (U+B)
Flawless Block Attacks:
Spinning Kusanagi (U+X)
Heavy Gust: (U+B)
Toward Throw: (F+L) / (F+Y+B)
Back Throw: L / (Y+B)
Roll Escapes:
Forward Getup Roll: (F+LT)
Backward Getup Roll: (B+LT)
Air Escape:
Breakaway: (D+ZR) (In Air)
Combo Attacks:
Kool Breeze: Y, Y [3%]
Gusting Cyclone: Y, Y (U+A) [7%]
Funnel Cloud: Y, X [3%]
Aerokinesis: Y, X, A, B, A [11.26%]
Fatal Edge: (B+Y), Y [3%]
Howling Winds: (B+Y), Y X, Y, X [7.75%]
Heavenly Hilt: X, B [2%]
Tornado Twist: X, B, Y, X [9.65%]
Calm Before The Storm: X, B, (X+A)[9%]
Whilrwind: (B+X), (Y+B) [10%] !
Tailwind: (F+X), (Y+B) [10%] !
Whisked Away: (F+B), Y [7%]
Typhoon Release: A, X [3%]
Blown Away: A, X, B [7.4%]
Krushing Zephyr: (F+A), B [5%]
Sheeva Sheeva (DLC)
Basic Attacks:
Shokan Strike: Y
Dragon Claw: (B+Y)
Shield Swipe: (F+Y)
Short Hammer: (D+Y)
Lethal Strike: X
Double BOP: (B+X)
Rising Dragon: (D+X)
Big Leg: B
Shokan Stomp: (B+B)
Kuatan Kick: (F+B)
Crushing Backhand: (D+B)
Kintaro Kick: A
Sweeping Shield: (B+A)
Heavy Knee: (F+A)
Disrespect Kick: (D+A)
Jumping Attacks:
Straight Hammers: Y
Double Dragon Fists: X
Queen Kick: B/A
Hop Attacks:
Shokan Slam: U, Y / U, X
Hard Heel: U, B / U, A
Getup Attacks:
Battle Cry: (U+X)
Headbutt: (U+B)
Flawless Block Attacks:
Battle Cry: (U+X)
Headbutt: (U+B)
Toward Throw: (F+L) / (F+Y+B)
Back Throw: L / (Y+B)
Roll Escapes:
Forward Getup Roll: (F+LT)
Away Getup Roll: (B+LT)
Air Escape:
Breakaway: (D+ZR) (In Air)
Combo Attacks:
Dragon Blood: Y, X [5.85%]
Deadly Kuatan: Y, X, Y [7%]
Outworld Warrior: (B+Y), X, X [5.85%]
Queen Of The Shokan: (B+Y), X, X, Y [7%]
Centurian Hunter: (F+Y), A [7%]
Blood Lust: X, Y [5%]
Slam Dance: X, Y, Y [7%]
Shokan Beauty: (B+X), Y, Y [5.85%]
Heir To The Throne: (B+X), Y, Y, X [5%]
Ruthless Shokan: (B+X), A [7%]
Draco's Guidance: (F+A), A [5%]
Goddess Of Destruction: (F+A), A, B [7%]
RoboCop RoboCop (DLC)
Basic Attacks:
Straight Steel: Y
Spike Swipe: (B+Y)
Knee Kapper: (D+Y)
Heavy Hand: X
Strong Armed: (B+X)
Gut Buster: (F+X)
Rising Spike: (D+X)
Koncealed Weapon: B
Low Stab: (B+B)
Bending Steel: (F+B)
Ankle Breajker: (D+B)
Heavy Heel: A
Spray And Pray: (B+A)
Kriminal Kick: (F+A)
Quick Spray: (D+A)
Jumping Attacks:
Riveting Blow: Y
Heavy Swipe: X
Spike Drop: B/A
Hop Attacks:
Cyborg Chop: U, Y / U, X
Cyber Knee: U, B / U, A
Getup Attacks:
Omni Strike: (U+X)
Lethal Stab: (U+B)
Flawless Block Attacks:
Omni Strike: (U+X)
Lethal Stab: (U+B)
Toward Throw: (F+L) / (F+Y+B)
Back Throw: L / (Y+B)
Roll Escapes:
Forward Getup Roll: (F+LT)
Backward Getup Roll: (B+LT)
Air Escape:
Breakaway: (D+ZR) (In Air)
Combo Attacks:
Officer Murphy's Law: Y, X [3%]
Don't Move Creep: Y, X, Y [3%]
Crime Prevention Unit 001: Y, X, B [7%]
Heavy Hand Of The Law: (B+Y), X [5%]
Heavy Hand Of The Law - Close: (B+Y), X, B [5%]
Heavy Hand Of The Law - Far: (B+Y), X, F [5%]
Stay Out Of Trouble: X, X [3%]
Waste Makes Haste: X, X, B [7%]
Locked Down: (F+X), Y [3%]
I'd Buy That For A Dollar!: (F+X), Y, X [7%]
I'll Call You An Ambulance: (B+B), X [7%]
Serve The Public Trust: (F+B), X [3%]
Protect The Innocent: (F+B), X, X [3%]
Uphold The Law: (F+B), X, X, Y, Y, Y [N/A%]
Directive Klassified: (F+A), X [3%]
Mileena Mileena (DLC)
Basic Attacks:
Kloned Klaw: Y
Lunging Strike: (B+Y)
Deadly Palm: (F+Y)
Side Klaw: (D+Y)
Pretty Slasher: X
Bloody Nails: (B+X)
Shin Stab: (F+X)
Rising Sai: (D+X)
Crescent Kick: B
Sneaky Kick: (B+B)
Quick Toe: (D+B)
Corkscrew Kick: A
Blender: (B+A)
Poisonous Butterfly: (F+A)
Hinge Kick: (D+A)
Jumping Attacks:
Quick Poke: Y
Side Sai: X
High Heel: B/A
Hop Attacks:
Double Down: U, Y / U, X
Stiletto Spin: U, B / U, A
Getup Attacks:
Ballin': (U+X)
Deadly Stab: (U+B)
Flawless Block Attacks:
Ballin': (U+X)
Deadly Stab: (U+B)
Toward Throw: (F+L) / (F+Y+B)
Back Throw: L / (Y+B)
Roll Escapes:
Forward Getup Roll: (F+LT)
Backward Getup Roll: (B+LT)
Air Escape:
Breakaway: (D+ZR) (In Air)
Combo Attacks:
True Queen: Y, Y [2%]
Bow Before Me: Y, Y, X [7%]
Bloodthirsty: (B+Y), Y [5%]
Man Eater: (B+Y), Y, X [7%]
Miss Me?: (B+Y), Y, A [5%]
Sai-Distic Ways: (F+Y), X [5%]
Play Time: (F+Y), X, A [7%]
Sai-Onara: X, B, B [5.85%]
Flesh Pits: X, B, B, A [7%]
A Little Unruly: (F+X), B [5%]
Intimidating Ways: B, A [5%]
Let Us Dance: (B+B), A [7%]
All or Nothing: (F+A), B [7%]
Ridin' Dirty: Y, Y, (Y+B) [10%] [Play Time Ability]
Losing Control: (F+X), B, (Y+B) [?%] [Play Time Ability]
Half Blood: (F+A), B, (Y+B) (Amplify: R) [?%] [Play Time Ability]
Rain Rain (DLC)
Basic Attacks:
Straight Punch: Y
Power Blast: (B+Y)
Low Chop: (D+Y)
Katar Stab: X
Heavy Slice: (B+X)
Spinning Blade: (F+X)
Rising Spike: (D+X)
Royal Heel: B
Edenian Step: (B+B)
Heavy Tide: (F+B)
Undertow: (D+B)
Shallow Break: A
Sweeping Prince: (B+A)
Low Tide: (F+A)
Tubular Toe: (D+A)
Jumping Attacks:
Edenian Strike: Y
Katar Kutter: X
Downpour: B/A
Hop Attacks:
Katar Lunge: U, Y / U, X
Kickflip: U, B / U, A
Getup Attacks:
Katar Swipe: (U+X)
Quick Splash: (U+B)
Flawless Block Attacks:
Katar Swipe: (U+X)
Quick Splash: (U+B)
Toward Throw: (F+L) / (F+Y+B)
Back Throw: L / (Y+B)
Roll Escapes:
Forward Getup Roll: (F+LT)
Backward Getup Roll: (B+LT)
Air Escape:
Breakaway: (D+ZR) (In Air)
Combo Attacks:
Thicker Than Water: Y, B [3%]
Let's Get Krazy: Y, B, B [5%]
Scandalous: Y, B, A [7%]
What The Hail: (B+Y), A (Delay: Hold A) [7%]
Soggy Bottoms: (B+Y), A (Hold B) [7%]
Deadly Tsunami: X, A, X [5.85%]
Insatiable Prince: X, A, X, (Y+B) [7%]
No Rain, No Gain: X, A, (D+A) [7.75%]
Rising Water: (B+X), Y [3%]
Thieves In Edenian Temple: (B+X), Y, X [7%]
Rain or Shine: (F+X), (D+A) [7%]
When Mortals Kry: (F+X), (Y+B) [7%]
Prince of Pain: (F+X), (Y+B), A [5%]
Rain and Suffering: (B+B), A [7%]
Rambo Rambo (DLC)
Basic Attacks:
Fist of Glory: Y
Basic Training: (B+Y)
Bloody Knuckles: (F+Y)
Gut Punch: (D+Y)
Nose Buster: X
KA-BAR Slash: (B+X)
Knockout Punch: (F+X)
Rising KA-BAR: (D+X)
Boot Bash: B
Low Blow: (B+B)
Recon Kick: (F+B)
Steel Toe: (D+B)
Service Strike: A
Survival Sweep: (B+A)
Lieutenant Drop: (F+A)
Double Down: (D+A)
Jumping Attacks:
Air Raid: Y
Deep Cuts: X
Brutal Boots: B/A
Hop Attacks:
Bow Slam: U, Y / U, X
Drop Kick: U, B / U, A
Getup Attacks:
Swinging Bow: (U+X)
Quick Detonation: (U+B)
Flawless Block Attacks:
Swinging Bow: (U+X)
Quick Detonation: (U+B)
Toward Throw: (F+L) / (F+Y+B)
Back Throw: L / (Y+B)
Roll Escapes:
Forward Getup Roll: (F+LT)
Backward Getup Roll: (B+LT)
Air Escape:
Breakaway: (D+ZR) (In Air)
Combo Attacks:
Mad Minute: Y, X [3%]
Code of Honor: Y, X, Y [7%]
I'll Give You A War: (B+Y), X [3%]
Lethal Tactics: (B+Y), X, Y [7%]
First Blood: (F+Y), X [3%]
The Last One: (F+Y), X, X [5%]
Mission Accomplished: X, X [3%]
I'd Die For It!: X, X, X [7%]
Day By Day: (B+X), X [3%]
No More POWs: (B+X), X, Y [7%]
Diddy-Bopping: (B+X), X, A [9%]
Civilian Life: (F+X), Y [5%]
Blood Trail: (F+X), Y, Y [7%]
Most Ricky-Tick: (F+X), Y, A [5%]
Deadly Boondocks: (B+B), B [5%]
*Don't Push It: Y, X (Y+B) [8%] [Commando Ability]
*Expendable: (F+Y), X, (Y+B) [8%] [Commando Ability]
*Nothing is Over: (B+B), (Y+B) [11%] [Commando Ability]
Unannounced Unannounced (DLC/Unconfirmed)
Basic Attacks:
?: Y
?: (B+Y)
?: (D+Y)
?: X
?: (B+X)
?: (D+X)
?: B
?: (B+B)
?: (F+B)
?: (D+B)
?: A
?: (B+A)
?: (F+A)
?: (D+A)
Jumping Attacks:
?: Y
?: X
?: B/A
Hop Attacks:
?: U, Y / U, X
?: U, B / U, A
Getup Attacks:
?: (U+X)
?: (U+B)
Flawless Block Attacks:
?: (U+X)
?: (U+B)
Toward Throw: (F+L) / (F+Y+B)
Back Throw: L / (Y+B)
Roll Escapes:
Forward Roll Escape: (F+LT)
Away Roll Escape: (B+LT)
Air Escape:
Breakaway: (D+ZR) (In Air)
Combo Attacks:
