Finishers - Sony PlayStation/Sega Saturn/PC (Universal)
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Last updated: 01/25/25Note: All commands are assuming your character is facing right.
If you are facing left, you must reverse the directional commands.
Backwards becoming Forwards and Vice Versa.
It's recommended that your controls match the default setting.
U = Up/Jump
D = Down/Crouch
F = Forward/Toward
B = Back/Away
Universal: HP = High Punch LP = Low Punch HK = High Kick LK = Low Kick BL = Block RN = Run
PlayStation: HP = □ LP = X HK = Δ LK = O BL = L1/R1 RN = L2/R2
Sega Saturn: HP = X LP = A HK = Z LK = C BL = B/L Trigger RN = Y/R Trigger
Babalities and Friendships: You must not press BL in the final
round. Mercy: (Hold RN), D, D, D (Release RN) Must be executed
at the end of the third round. Animality: Must perform a (Mercy), then defeating them yet again in
the final round of Kombat. Stage Fatalities available:Pit 1,
Subway, Bell Tower,
Pit 3, Scorpion's Lair,
Kombat Tomb, Deadpool
Fatality Distances Explained: Close: Right Next to Your Opponent Sweep: Inside Sweep Distance. If you tried to Sweep, you would connect. Not
Close, but not as far as a Single Jump. Outside Sweep: Outside Sweep Distance. If you tried to Sweep, you would miss.
Not as far as a Single Jump. Half Screen/Jump: One Jump Distance from opponent. Full Screen: Player on one side of screen, opponent on the other side.
Note: (HoldBL) in italics for Fatality inputs
means BL is optional. You do not need to hold BL to make the Fatality
work, although it may be easier if you do.
*Chameleon (Hidden/Unlockable)Finishers:
Chameleon has all the fatalities of the other male ninjas: Rain, Noob Saibot, Scorpion,
Reptile, Ermac, Sub-Zero and Ninja Smoke.
Fatality 1 - Toasty!: (HoldBL), D, D, U, (Release BL),
HK (*Just Past Half Screen/Jump-Full Screen)
Fatality 2 - Hell Hand: F, F, B, LP (*Half Screen/Jump)
Babality: D, B, B, F, HP (Anywhere)
Friendship - Skull in the Box: B, F, F, B, LK (Close)
Animality - Penguin: (HoldBL), F, U, U, (Release BL), HK
Brutality: HP, HP, BL, HK, HK, LK,
HK, HP, HP, LP, HP (Close)
Stage Fatality: (HoldBL), F, U, U, (Release BL), LP
Fatality 1 - Censored Spine Rip: D, D, D, F, HP (Close)
Fatality 2 - Ice Stalagmite: D, F, F, F, HP (Close)
Babality: *D, F, F, HK (Anywhere)
Friendship - Snowman in a Box: *HK, RN, RN, U (Anywhere)
*Animality: N/A
Brutality: HP, LP, HP, BL, LK, LK,
HK, HK, HK, LP, HP, LP (Close)
Stage Fatality: F, D, F, F, HP (Close)
Fatality 1 - Yummy!: B, F, D, BL (Half Screen/Jump)
Fatality 2 - Acid Puke: (HoldBL), F, F, U, U, (Release BL),
HK (Sweep)
Babality: F, F, B, D, LK (Anywhere)
Friendship - Snake in the Box: D, F, F, B, HK (Close)
Animality - Ape: (HoldBL), D, D, D, U, (Release BL), HK
Brutality: HP, BL, HK, HK, BL, HP,
LP, LK, LK, BL, LP (Close)
Stage Fatality: BL, RN, BL, BL (Close)