MKKomplete - Mortal Kombat Trilogy (1996) - Arenas Choose Your Game

Press (Up+Start) on Sonya on the VS Select Screen to select your stage
The Courtyard / Kung Fu Part 1
The Courtyard
Kung Fu Part 1
Goro's Lair
Goro's Lair
The Pit (PSX)
The Pit (PSX)
The Pit (N64)
The Pit (N64)
(Stage Fatality)
The Pit Bottom
The Pit Bottom
The Subway
The Subway
(Stage Fatality)
The Street
The Street
Jade's Desert
Jade's Desert
The Rooftop
The Rooftop
The Balcony
The Balcony
(Fight Motaro here)
The Bridge
The Bridge
The Soul Chamber
The Soul Chamber
The Bell Tower
The Bell Tower
(Stage Fatality)
The Church
The Church
The Graveyard
The Graveyard
The Pit 3
The Pit 3
(Stage Fatality)
(Fight Shao Kahn here)
The Waterfront
The Waterfront
Scorpion's Lair
Scorpion's Lair
(Stage Fatality)
The Cave
The Cave
The Bank
The Bank
Scislac Busorez
Scislac Busorez
The Armory
The Armory
Kahn's Arena
Kahn's Arena
Living Forest
Living Forest
The Portal
The Portal
The Kombat Tomb
The Kombat Tomb
(Stage Fatality)
The Tower
The Tower
The Deadpool
The Dead Pool
(Stage Fatality)
The Pit II
The Pit II
The Star Bridge (N64)
The Star Bridge (N64)
(When Dan "Toasty" Forden appears, hit (Down+Start) to fight Khameleon)
