MKKomplete - Submit a Movelist Choose Your Game

Submit a Movelist

We at MKKomplete pride ourselves on our accurate Mortal Kombat movelists.

Do you like making movelists for games?  Or do you have a movelist that you would like to share?

E-Mail us with your movelist submission.  Be sure to tell us what system you made the movelist for.
Wanted Movelists:
Dead or Alive (Series)
King of Fighters (Series)
Mace: The Dark Age (N64)
Samurai Shodown (Series)
Soul Calibur (Series)
Street Fighter (and/or Capcom VS Titles)
Super Smash Bros. (Series)
Virtua Fighter (Series)
Tao Feng - Fist of the Lotus (XBOX)
Tekken (Series)
Way of the Warrior (3DO)
