Choose Your Game

Level 1: The Shaolin Temples:
Monks: Just beat the Hell outta these guys.
Monk With Sword: They do 20% Damage with their swords. Knock the swords out
of their hands and beat em senseless.
Level 2: The Wind Element:
Monk With Sticks: Block their stick attacks, they tend to aim low. Attack
when possible.
Level 3: The Earth Element:
Monk With Staff: Attack with combinations of Ice Blasts and uppercuts.
Meditating Monk: While floating in his bubble, he is invulnerable. Attack
with ice blasts and punches when you can.
Level 4: The Water Element:
Monk With Spear: Use your Ice Blast, and finish him with Punches and Kicks.
Electric Eel: Jump out of it's way.
Level 5: The Fire Element:
Fast Monk: Freeze, uppercut, sweep.
Hulk Monk: (Freeze, uppercut, sweep x2) "repeat x3" (or just avoid).
Level 6: The Prison of Souls:
Prison Guard: Use Double Ice Blast, Uppercut.
Prion Guard With Gun: Jump over their laser blasts.
Gate Keeper Grunt: Use Double Ice Blast, Uppercut (instant kill).
Level 7: The Bridge of Immortality:
Bridge Guard: Use Double Ice Blast, Uppercut.
Bridge Guard With Gun: Jump over their laser blasts.
Red Mechanoid: Use Roundhouse/Jump Kick combination.
Octopus: Run through the octopus's tentacles.
Level 8: Shinnok's Fortress:
Grunt: Watch out for their throwing blades, use Double Ice Blast, Uppercut
(instant kill).
Grunt With Axe: Knock the axe out of their hands, watch out for throwing
blades, use Double Ice Blast, Uppercut (instant kill).