MKKomplete - Mortal Kombat Gold (1999) - Finishers - Universal - Sega Dreamcast Choose Your Game

Finishers - Universal - Sega Dreamcast
CyraxMileenaKitanaKung LaoBaraka
SonyaJaxLiu KangJohnny CageSub-Zero
KaiReptileShinnokFujinQuan Chi
Noob SaibotSektor

You can e-mail corrections/additions to The Webmaster
Last updated: 05/26/17
Note: All commands are assuming your character is facing right.
If you are facing left, you must reverse the directional commands.
Backwards becoming Forwards and Vice Versa.
It's recommended that your controls match the default setting.

U = Up/Jump
D = Down/Crouch
F = Forward/Toward
B = Back/Away
HP = High Punch
LP = Low Punch
HK = High Kick
LK = Low Kick
BL = Block
RN = Run

Side Step In: (Hold D), RN RN
Side Step Out: RN RN
HP = X
LP = A
HK = Y
LK = B

Side Step In: (Hold D), TR TR
Side Step Out: TR TR

Stage Fatalities available: The Prison, Goro's Lair
Selectable Characters:

Baraka Baraka
Blade Decapitation: B, B, B, B, HP (Close)
Blade Impaler: B, F, D, F, LP (Sweep)
Stage Fatalities:
Fan Stage Fatality: F, F, D, HK (Close)
Goro's Lair: D, B, B, LK (Close)
Cyrax Cyrax
Self Destruction: (Hold BL), U, U, F, D, BL (Close)
World Destruction: (Hold BL), D, D, F, U, RN (Sweep)
Stage Fatalities:
Fan Stage Fatality: B, F, F, HP (Close)
Goro's Lair: D, B, B, LP (Close)
Fujin Fujin
Crossbow Death: (BL+RN) x5 (Just Past Sweep)
Whirlwind Death: D, F, F, U, BL (Past sweep)
Stage Fatalities:
Fan Stage Fatality: D, D, D, HK (Close)
Goro's Lair: B, F, B, HP (Close)
Jarek Jarek
Heart Rip: F, B, F, F, LK (Close)
Laser Blast: U, U, F, F, BL (Past sweep)
Stage Fatalities:
Fan Stage Fatality: F, D, F, HK (Close)
Goro's Lair: B, F, F, LP (Close)
Jax Jax
Arm Rip Fatality: (Hold LK 5 sec.), F, F, D, F, (Release LK) (Close)
Head Smash: B, F, F, D, BL (Close)
Stage Fatalities:
Fan Stage Fatality: F, F, B, LK (Close)
Goro's Lair: F, F, B, HP (Close)
Johnny Cage Johnny Cage
Torso Rip: F, B, D, D, HK (Close)
Shadow Uppercut Decap: D, D, F, D, (BL+RN) (Close)
Pit Fatalities
Fan Stage Fatality: D, F, F, HK (Close)
Goro's Lair: B, F, F, LK (Close)
Kai Kai
Back Breaker: (Hold BL), U, F, U, B, HK (Close)
Floating Fireball: U, U, U, D, BL (Outside sweep)
Stage Fatalities:
Fan Stage Fatality: F, F, D, BL (Close)
Goro's Lair: B, F, D, HK (Close)
Kitana Kitana
Kiss of Death: B, D, F, F, HK (Close)
Fan Decapitation: F, F, D, F, LK (Close)
Stage Fatalities:
Fan Stage Fatality: F, D, F, LP
Goro's Lair: D, D, F, LK
Kung Lao Kung Lao
Hat Decap: B, B, F, LP (Sweep)
Hat Fury: F, F, B, D, HP (Past sweep)
Stage Fatalities:
Fan Stage Fatality: D, D, F, HP
Goro's Lair: F, D, F, LK
Liu Kang Liu Kang
Dragon: F, F, F, D, (LK+HK+BL) (Sweep)
Skeet Shooting: (Hold BL), F, D, D, U, (Release BL), HP (Close)
Stage Fatalities:
Fan Stage Fatality: F, F, B, LP (Close)
Goro's Lair: F, F, B, HK (Close)
Mileena Mileena
Sai Toss: B, B, B, F, LK (Outside Sweep)
Nail Spit: F, B, F, LP (Outside Sweep)
Stage Fatalities:
Fan Stage Fatality: F, F, B, HP
Goro's Lair: D, F, D, LP
Quan Chi Quan Chi
Leg Rip: (Hold LK  5 sec.), F, D, F, Release LK (Close)
Mimic Death: U, U, D, D, LP (Past sweep)
Stage Fatalities:
Fan Stage Fatality: F, F, D, HP (Close)
Goro's Lair: F, F, B, LK (Close)
Raiden Raiden
Electrocution: (Hold BL), F, B, U, U, HK (Close)
Electric Staff Impale: D, U, U, U, HP (Close)
Stage Fatalities:
Fan Stage Fatality: D, F, B, BL (Close)
Goro's Lair: F, F, D, LP (Close)
Reiko Reiko
Torso Kick: F, D, F, (LP+LK+HK+BL) (Close)
Throwing Stars: B, B, D, D, HK (Sweep)
Stage Fatalities:
Fan Stage Fatality: D, D, B, LP (Close)
Goro's Lair: F, F, D, LK (Close)
Reptile Reptile
Face Chew: (Hold LP+HP+LK+HK), U (Close)
Acid Puke: U, D, D, D, HP (Outside sweep)
Stage Fatalities:
Fan Stage Fatality: D, F, F, LP (Close)
Goro's Lair: D, D, F, HK (Close)
Scorpion Scorpion
Fire Breath: B, F, F, B, (HP+BL) (Just Past Sweep)
Scorpion Impale: B, F, D, U, HP (Close)
Stage Fatalities:
Fan Stage Fatality: F, D, D, LK (Close)
Goro's Lair: B, F, F, LK (Close)
Shinnok Shinnok (Boss/Selectable)
Skeletal Hand: D, B, F, D, RN (Close)
Two Hand Smash: D, U, U, D, BL (Close)
Stage Fatalities:
Fan Stage Fatality: D, D, F, HK (Close)
Goro's Lair: D, F, B, HP (Close)
Sonya Sonya
Kiss of Death: (Hold BL), D, D, D, U, RN (Sweep)
Leg Scissors: U, D, D, U, HK (Past sweep)
Stage Fatalities:
Fan Stage Fatality: D, B, B, HK (Close)
Goro's Lair: F, D, F, HP (Close)
Sub-Zero Sub-Zero
Head Rip: F, B, F, D, (HP+BL+RN) (Close)
Ice Shatter: B, B, D, B, HP (Sweep)
Stage Fatalities:
Fan Stage Fatality: D, U, U, U, HK (Close)
Goro's Lair: D, D, D, LK (Close)
Tanya Tanya
Kiss of Death: D, D, U, D, (HP+BL) (Close)
Neck Breaker: D, F, D, F, HK (Close)
Stage Fatalities:
Fan Stage Fatality: B, F, D, HP (Close)
Goro's Lair: F, F, F, LP (Close)
Hidden Characters:

Noob Saibot Noob Saibot (Hidden/Unlockable)
Torso Kick: HP (With FATALITY 1 cheat on)
Ice Smash: LP (With FATALITY 2 cheat on)
Stage Fatalities:
Fan Stage Fatality: D, B, B, HK (Close)
Goro's Lair: F, D, F, HK (Close)
Sektor Sektor (Hidden/Unlockable)
Flamethrower: F, F, D, F, BL (Sweep)
Compactor: F, F, F, B, BL (Sweep)
Stage Fatalities:
Fan Stage Fatality: B, F, F, HK (Close)
Goro's Lair: D, F, B, LK (Close)
Goro Goro (Sub-Boss/Unlockable)
Torso Kick: HP (With FATALITY 1 cheat on)
Head Decap: LP (With FATALITY 2 cheat on)
Stage Fatalities:
Fan Stage Fatality: N/A
Goro's Lair: N/A
