MKKomplete - Mortal Kombat Gold (1999) - Move List/Bios - Sega Dreamcast (Universal) Choose Your Game

Move List/Bios - Sega Dreamcast (Universal)
(Graphical Version)
CyraxMileenaKitanaKung LaoBaraka
SonyaJaxLiu KangJohnny CageSub-Zero
KaiReptileShinnokFujinQuan Chi
Noob SaibotSektorMeat

You can e-mail corrections/additions to The Webmaster
Last updated: 01/31/25
Note: All commands are assuming your character is facing right.
If you are facing left, you must reverse the directional commands.
Backwards becoming Forwards and Vice Versa.
It's recommended that your controls match the default setting.

U = Up/Jump
D = Down/Crouch
F = Forward/Toward
B = Back/Away
[HP] = High Punch
[LP] = Low Punch
[HK] = High Kick
[LK] = Low Kick
[BL] = Block
[RN] = Run

Side Step In: Hold-D [RN] [RN]
Side Step Out: [RN] [RN]
[HP] = [X]
[LP] = [A]
[HK] = [Y]
[LK] = [B]
[BL] = [LT]
[RN] = [RT]

Side Step In: Hold-D [RT] [RT]
Side Step Out: [RT] [RT]

Close Quarters:
Throw: [LP] (Close)
Head-Blow: [HP] (Close)
Knee: [HK] (Close)
Bone Breaker: [LK] (Close)
Crouched Moves:
Crouched Block: (D+[BL])
Crouched Punch: (D+[LP])
Uppercut: (D+[HP])
Crouched Low Kick: (D+[LK])
Crouched High Kick: (D+[HK])
Spin Moves:
Foot Sweep: (B+[LK])
Roundhouse Kick: (B+[HK])
Aerial Moves:
Flying Punch: (U/UF/UB+[LP]/[HP])
Flying Kick: (U/UF/UB+[LK]/[HK])
Stage Fatalities available: The Prison, Goro's Lair

Fatality Distances Explained:
Close: Right next to your opponent.
Sweep: A couple of steps away (close enough to land a sweep).
Outside Sweep: Just beyond sweep range. (A Roundhouse Kick - (B+[HK]), usually puts the opponent in what is considered "Outside Sweep.")

Note: You can hold [BL] to input fatalities, as long as [BL] is released before the last button in the Fatality sequence is pressed.

Tip: If you're having trouble pulling off Fatalities, specifically ones that use "U" in their input, try getting into the correct distance, jumping up, and then inputting the correct Fatality input (minus holding [BL]), while you're in the air. (After Finish Him/Her.)
Selectable Characters:

Baraka Baraka
Ever the nomad, Baraka has spent a lot of time wandering many realms. Whilst traveling back through Edenia, he is made an offer to rule the realm at the side of Quan Chi. Eager to return to battle for any cause, Baraka accepts but has a different idea of how things will turn out.
Special Moves:
Blade Swipe: (B+[HP]) (Close)
Blade Spark: D B [HP]
Blade Fury: B B B [LP]
Blade Spin: F D F [BL]
   (Hold [BL] to spin)
   (B/F while holding [BL] to move)
Draw/Throw Weapon:
Bone Kama: B B [HK] (Kama Spin: B+[HP], B/F to move)
Fatality 1 - Blade Decap: (Hold [BL]), B B B B [HP] (Close)
Fatality 2 - Blade Impale: B F D F [LP] (Close-Sweep)
Stage Fatalities:
The Prison (Fan): F F D [HK] (Close)
Goro's Lair (Spikes): D B B [LK] (Close)
Cyrax Cyrax
Cyrax is finally rescued from his desert prison by the Lin Kuei. The physical damage sustained while in the desert was relatively easy to repair, but Cyrax seems very different from when he first set out on his original assassination mission against Sub-Zero. Only time will tell how well Cyrax has overcome his ordeal.
Special Moves:
Green Net: B B [LK]
Close Bomb: B B [HK]
Far Bomb: F F [HK]
Teleport: F D [BL] (Also in Air)
Air Throw: (Opponent in air), D F [BL] ([LP] to throw)
Draw/Throw Weapon:
Energy Sword: B F [HP]
Fatality 1 - Self-Destruct: (Hold [BL]), U U F D (Release [BL]), [BL] (Close)
Fatality 2 - Armageddon: (Hold [BL]), D D F U [RN] (Outside Sweep)
Stage Fatalities:
The Prison (Fan): B F F [HP] (Close)
Goro's Lair (Spikes): D B B [LP] (Close)
Fujin Fujin
Better known as the god of wind, Fujin joins Raiden as one of the last surviving gods of Earth. Their counterparts were defeated in a war of the heavens between Shinnok's forces and the elder gods. He now prepares for the final battle between the forces of light and Shinnok's hell-spawned warriors of darkness.
Special Moves:
Whirlwind Spin: F D [LP] (Hold [LP] to spin, B/F to move)
Dive Kick: (D+[LK]) (In air)
Rising Knee: D F [HK]
Tornado Lift: F D F [HP]
   Slam: B F D [LK] (After Tornado Lift)
Draw/Throw Weapon:
Crossbow: B B [LP]
Fatality 1 - Raise and Destroy: ([BL]+[RN]) x5 (Outside Sweep)
Fatality 2 - Deadly Winds: (Hold [BL]), D F F U (Release [BL]), [BL] (Outside Sweep)
Stage Fatalities:
The Prison (Fan): D D D [HK] (Close)
Goro's Lair (Spikes): B F B [HP] (Close)
Jarek Jarek
Believed to be the last member of Kano's klan, the Black Dragon, Jarek is hunted down by Special Forces agent Sonya Blade for crimes against humanity. With the emergence of a much greater evil, Sonya focuses her strength on the new menacing Quan Chi. Jarek now finds himself fighting alongside Sonya and Earth's warriors to help defeat the evil elder god, Shinnok.
Special Moves:
Tri-Blade: D B [LP]
Cannonball Roll: B F [LK]
Vertical Roll: F D F [HP]
Ground Shaker: B D B [HK]
Draw/Throw Weapon:
Curved Sword: F F [HP]
Fatality 1 - Heart Rip: F B F F [LK] (Close)
Fatality 2 - Eye Lasers: (Hold [BL]), U U F F (Release [BL]), [BL] (Outside Sweep)
Stage Fatalities:
The Prison (Fan): F D F [HK] (Close)
Goro's Lair (Spikes): B F F [LP] (Close)
Jax Jax
When Sonya disappears while tracking the last living member of the Black Dragon, Major Jackson Briggs heads after her. He soon finds that Sonya's mission has led her into a battle with the forces of an evil elder god. This is a battle they must win, or their own world will crumble at the hands of Shinnok.
Special Moves:
Fireball: D F [LP]
Ground Wave: F F D [LK]
Dash Punch: D B [LP]
Backbreaker: [BL] (In Air, Close)
   1st Slam: [LP] (Close),
   2nd Slam: ([HK]+[BL]+[RN]),
   3rd Slam: ([LP]+[HP]+[LK]),
   4th Slam: ([HP]+[LK]+[BL]),
   5th Slam: ([HP]+[LP]+[HK]+[LK])
Draw/Throw Weapon:
Spiked Club: D F [HP]
Fatality 1 - Arm Rip: (Hold [LK] 3 sec.), F F D F (Release [LK]) (Close)
Fatality 2 - Head Smash: B F F D [BL] (Close)
Stage Fatalities:
The Prison (Fan): F F B [LK] (Close)
Goro's Lair (Spikes): F F B [HP] (Close)
Johnny Cage Johnny Cage
After Shao Kahn's defeat, Cage's soul is free to leave for a higher place. From the heavens, he observes his friends once again engaged in battle. When he learns of the war waged against the elder gods by Shinnok, Cage seeks out Raiden to help him restore his deceased soul and join Liu Kang in his quest. Once again, Johnny Cage finds himself fighting alongside Earth's warriors.
Special Moves:
Low Green Orb: D B [LP]
High Green Orb: D F [HP]
Shadow Kick: B F [LK]
Split Punch: ([LP]+[BL]) (Does not work against Females)
Shadow Uppercut: B D B [HP]
Draw/Throw Weapon:
Broadsword: F D F [LK]
Fatality 1 - Torso Rip: F B D D [HK] (Close)
Fatality 2 - Decap Uppercut: D D F D [BL] (Close)
Pit Fatalities
The Prison (Fan): D F F [HK] (Close)
Goro's Lair (Spikes): B F F [LK] (Close)
Kai Kai
A former member of the White Lotus Society, Kai learned his skills from the great masters throughout Asia. He journeyed to the Far East after meeting his friend and ally, Liu Kang, in America. Now, they reunite to assist Raiden in his battle with Shinnok.
Special Moves:
Falling Fireball: B B [HP]
Rising Fireball: F F [LP] (Also in Air)
Air Fist: D F [HP]
Super Roundhouse: D F [LK]
Handstand: ([LK]+[BL])
   (Hold [LP] to Spin, B/F to move)
   (Hard Kick: [HK])
   (Weak Kick: [LK])
   ([BL] to return to feet)
Draw/Throw Weapon:
Kali Dagger: D B [LP]
Fatality 1 - Backbreaker: (Hold [BL]), U F U B [HK] (Close)
Fatality 2 - Headshot: (Hold [BL]), U U U D (Release [BL]), [BL] (Outside Sweep)
Stage Fatalities:
The Prison (Fan): F F D [BL] (Close)
Goro's Lair (Spikes): B F D [HK] (Close)
Kitana Kitana
As Quan Chi's forces leave her realm of Edenia to battle Raiden and his forces, Kitana manages to escape the remaining guards surprisingly easily. She thinks little of her escape and moves quickly into the battle against Shinnok and Quan Chi. Edenia's future depends on her success.
Special Moves:
Fan Throw: F F ([LP]+[HP]) (Also in Air) (Hit [HP] slightly before [LP])
   (Hold [HP]), F F [LP] (Also works)
Fan Lift: B B B [HP]
Fan Swipe: (B+[HP])
Square Wave Punch: D B [HP]
Draw/Throw Weapon:
Dual Blade: F B [HK]
Fatality 1 - Kiss of Death: B D F F [HK] (Close)
Fatality 2 - Fan Decap: F F D F [LK] (Close)
Stage Fatalities:
The Prison (Fan): F D F [LP] (Close)
Goro's Lair (Spikes): D D F [LK] (Close)
Kung Lao Kung Lao
Many believed that Kung Lao had died from injuries suffered during the final fight against Shao Khan. In fact, he had merely turned to a new life without violence in reverence to his ancestral beliefs. As news of Shinnok's threat reaches Kung Lao, together with the apparent return of Goro, Kung Lao returns once more to challenge his ancestor's killer.
Special Moves:
Hat Throw: B F [LP]
Teleport: D U ([LP]/[HP]/[LK]/[HK] to attack after)
Double Teleport: D D U ([LP]/[HP]/[LK]/[HK] to attack after)
Dive Kick: (D+[HK]) (In air)/(UD[HK] when jumping forwards or backwards)
Whirlwind Spin: (Hold [BL]), U U [LK]/F D F [RN]
   (Hold [LK]/[RN] to spin)
   (Tap B/F while holding [LK]/[RN] to move)
Draw/Throw Weapon:
4-Bladed Axe: B B [HP]/F F [HK] (Axe Spin: B+[HP], B/F to move)
Fatality 1 - Hat Decap: B B F [LP] (Outside Sweep)
Fatality 2 - Hat Fury: F F B D [HP] (Outside Sweep)
Stage Fatalities:
The Prison (Fan): D D F [HP] (Close)
Goro's Lair (Spikes): F D F [LK] (Close)
Liu Kang Liu Kang
Still the immortal champion of Mortal Kombat, Liu Kang finds himself venturing into the realm of Edenia to rescue the princess Kitana from the vile clutches of Quan Chi. Unsuccessful in his mission, Liu returns to Earth and mounts an effort to bring together Earth's greatest warriors. He does it this time not only to free Kitana's home world but also to assist his mentor and Earth's protector - Raiden.
Special Moves:
High Fireball: F F [HP] (Also in Air)
Low Fireball: F F [LP]
Flying Kick: F F [HK]
Bicycle Kick: (Hold [LK] 3 sec.), (Release [LK])
Draw/Throw Weapon:
Dragon Sword: B F [LK]
Fatality 1 - Dragon's Bite: F F F D ([LK]+[HK]+[BL]) (Sweep)
Fatality 2 - Fire Shot: (Hold [BL]), F D D U (Release [BL]), [HP] (Close)
Stage Fatalities:
The Prison (Fan): F F B [LP] (Close)
Goro's Lair (Spikes): F F B [HK] (Close)
Mileena Mileena
Reborn in the Netherrealm and servant to Shinnok since her rebirth, Mileena finds that the coming battle gives her a chance to both escape her fearful servitude to Shinnok and avenge her own death. Knowing Kitana will fight for Edenia, Mileena ensures an easy escape route is left as she moves into battle with Shinnok.
Special Moves:
Sai Throw: (Hold [HP] 2 sec.), (Release [HP]) (Also in Air)
Teleport Kick: F F [LK] (Also in Air)
Ground Roll: B B D [HK]
Draw/Throw Weapon:
Katana Blade: F F [LP]
Fatality 1 - Sai Frenzy: B B B F [LK] (Outside Sweep)
Fatality 2 - Nail Spitter: F B F [LP] (Outside Sweep)
Stage Fatalities:
The Prison (Fan): F F B [HP] (Close)
Goro's Lair (Spikes): D F D [LP] (Close)
Quan Chi Quan Chi
A free-roaming sorcerer, powerful in the black arts, Quan Chi uses his abilities to free the now-evil elder god Shinnok from his confines in the Netherrealm. In exchange for his services, Shinnok has granted Quan Chi the position of arch-sorcerer of his now expanded Netherrealm.
Special Moves:
Flying Skull: F F [LP]
Slide Kick: F F [HK]
Tele-Stomp: F D [LK]
Air Throw: [BL] (In Air, Close)
Weapon Steal: F B [HP] (When opponent's weapon is drawn)
Draw/Throw Weapon:
Spiked Mace: D B [HK]
Fatality 1 - Leg Beat-Down: (Hold [LK]  5 sec.), F D F (Release [LK]) (Close)
Fatality 2 - Mimic: (Hold [BL]), U U D D (Release [BL]), [LP] (Outside Sweep)
Stage Fatalities:
The Prison (Fan): F F D [HP] (Close)
Goro's Lair (Spikes): F F B [LK] (Close)
Raiden Raiden
The god of thunder returns to Earth after the defeat of Shao Khan but finds a new threat when Shinnok's forces, led by Quan Chi, attack the elder gods. With the heavens in disarray, Raiden exists as one of the last gods of Earth. He must come to the aid of his elders and put an end to the evil, villainous reign of his ancient enemy.
Special Moves:
Lightning Bolt: D B [LP]
Torpedo: F F [LK] (Also in Air)
Teleport: D U
Draw/Throw Weapon:
War Hammer: F B [HP]
Fatality 1 - Electrocution: (Hold [BL]), F B U U [HK] (Close)
Fatality 2 - Staff Shock: (Hold [BL]), D U U U (Release [BL]), [HP] (Close)
Stage Fatalities:
The Prison (Fan): D F B [BL] (Close)
Goro's Lair (Spikes): F F D [LP] (Close)
Reiko Reiko
Once a general in Shinnok's armies, Reiko led the forces of darkness into the battle against the elder gods. Once thought killed during that onslaught, he resurfaces and joins the battle against Earth's forces.
Special Moves:
Shurikens: D F [LP]
Flip Kick: B D F [HK]
Circular Teleport: B F [LK]
Teleport Slam: D U ([LP]/[HP]/[LK]/[HK] to attack after teleport)
   ([BL] when close to throw) (Also in Air)
Draw/Throw Weapon:
Spiked Club: D B [HP]
Fatality 1 - Thrust Kick: F D F ([LP]+[LK]+[HK]+[BL]) (Close)
Fatality 2 - Shuriken Frenzy: B B D D [HK] (Outside Sweep)
Stage Fatalities:
The Prison (Fan): D D B [LP] (Close)
Goro's Lair (Spikes): F F D [LK] (Close)
Reptile Reptile
A general in Shinnok's Army of Darkness. Reptile once belonged to an extinct race of reptilian creatures. He was banished to the Netherrealm for committing genocide against several species. Responsible for the death of millions, Reptile is a dangerous ally to the forces of evil.
Special Moves:
Acid Spit: D F [HP]
Dash Punch: B F [LP]
Super Krawl: B F [LK]
Invisibility: ([HK]+[BL])
Draw/Throw Weapon:
Axe: B B [LK]
Fatality 1 - Face Chew: (Hold [LP]+[HP]+[LK]+[HK]), U (Close)
Fatality 2 - Acid Puke: (Hold [BL]), U D D D (Release [BL]), [HP] (Outside Sweep)
Stage Fatalities:
The Prison (Fan): D F F [LP] (Close)
Goro's Lair (Spikes): D D F [HK] (Close)
Scorpion Scorpion
In hopes of gaining Scorpion as a new ally in the war with the elder gods, Quan Chi makes the dead ninja an offer he cannot refuse: life, in exchange for his services as a warrior against the elders. Scorpion accepts but hides under ulterior motives.
Special Moves:
Spear: B B [LP]
Teleport Punch: D B [HP] (Also in Air)
Air Throw: [BL] (In Air, Close)
Fire Breath: D F [LP]
Draw/Throw Weapon:
Sword: F F [HK]
Fatality 1 - Toasty! 3D!: B F F B [BL] (Outside Sweep)
Fatality 2 - Scorpion Sting: (Hold [BL]), B F D U (Release [BL]), [HP] (Close)
Stage Fatalities:
The Prison (Fan): F D D [LK] (Close)
Goro's Lair (Spikes): B F F [LK] (Close)
Shinnok Shinnok (Boss/Selectable)
Banished to the Netherrealm for crimes committed against his once fellow elder gods, Shinnok is freed from his confines by Quan Chi. With the aid of a traitor, he then is able to overtake the realm of Edenia. From there, he wages a war against the elder gods and awaits a chance to enact revenge against the god who banished him there - Raiden.
Special Moves (Impersonations - MK4):
Fujin: F F B [HK]
Jarek: B B B [LK]
Jax: F D F [HK]
Johnny Cage: D D [HP]
Kai: F F F [LK]
Liu Kang: B B F [HK]
Quan Chi: B F B F [LK]
Raiden: D F F [HP]
Reiko: B B B [BL]
Reptile: B B F [BL]
Scorpion: F B [LP]
Sonya: F D F [HP]
Sub-Zero: D B [LP]
Tanya: B F D [BL]

Special Moves (Impersonations - MKGold):
Baraka: F B F [LP]
Cyrax: D B D [LK]
Kitana: F F D [HP]
Kung Lao: D F B [HK]
Mileena: B B D [LP]

Draw/Throw Weapon:
Bladed Staff: B F [LP]
Fatality 1 - Hell Hand: D B F D [RN] (Close)
Fatality 2 - Two Hand Smash: (Hold [BL]), D U U D (Release [BL]), [BL] (Close)
Stage Fatalities:
The Prison (Fan): D D F [HK] (Close)
Goro's Lair (Spikes): D F B [HP] (Close)
Sonya Sonya
After her journey into the Outworld and Shao Khan's near destruction of Earth, Sonya becomes a member of Earth's own Outworld Investigation Agency. Her first mission leads her to join Liu Kang on his quest to aid the troubled thunder god, Raiden. She must survive long enough to warn her government of the new menace brought on by Quan Chi.
Special Moves:
Fireball: D F [LP]
Leg Grab: (D+[LP]+[BL])
Square Wave Punch: F B [HP]
Vertical Bike Kick: B B D [HK]
Air Throw: [BL] (In Air, Close)
Front Flip Kick: B D F [LK]
Draw/Throw Weapon:
Spinning Blades: F F [LK]
Fatality 1 - Kiss of Death: (Hold [BL]), D D D U [RN] (Sweep)
Fatality 2 - Scissors Split: (Hold [BL]), U D D U (Release [BL]), [HK] (Outside Sweep)
Stage Fatalities:
The Prison (Fan): D B B [HK] (Close)
Goro's Lair (Spikes): F D F [HP] (Close)
Sub-Zero Sub-Zero
After Shao Khan's defeat at the hands of Earth's fighters, Sub-Zero's warrior clan known as the Lin Kuei is disbanded. But with the new threat brought on by Quan Chi, the ice warrior once again dons the familiar costume once worn by his brother, the original Sub-Zero. He also holds secrets passed onto him by his sibling - secrets that could hold the key to stopping Shinnok.
Special Moves:
Ice Blast: D F [LP]
Slide: ([LP]+[LK]+[BL])
Ice Clone: D B [LP] (Also in Air)
Draw/Throw Weapon:
Ice Wand: D F [HK] (Wand Freeze: B+[LP])
Fatality 1 - Spine Rip: F B F D ([HP]+[BL]+[RN]) (Close)
Fatality 2 - Ice Shatter: B B D B [HP] (Outside Sweep)
Stage Fatalities:
The Prison (Fan): (Hold [BL]), D U U U (Release [BL]), [HK] (Close)
Goro's Lair (Spikes): D D D [LK] (Close)
Tanya Tanya
As the daughter of Edenia's ambassador to new realms, Tanya invites a group of refugees fleeing their own world into the safety of Edenia. But soon after Queen Sindel allows them through the portal, she learns that one of the warriors is none other than the banished elder god, Shinnok. The portal leads into the pits of the Netherrealm itself, and the once free realm of Edenia is now at the mercy of Shinnok.
Special Moves:
Fireball: D F [HP]
Air Fireball: D B [LP] (In air)
Split Kick: F D B [LK]
Corkscrew Kick: F F [LK]
Draw/Throw Weapon:
Boomerang: F F [HK] ([LP] will throw the weapon and make it come back)
Fatality 1 - Kiss of Deceit: (Hold [BL]), D D U D (Release [BL]), ([HP]+[BL]) (Close)
Fatality 2 - Neck Breaker: D F D F [HK] (Close)
Stage Fatalities:
The Prison (Fan): B F D [HP] (Close)
Goro's Lair (Spikes): F F F [LP] (Close)
Hidden Characters:

Noob Saibot Noob Saibot (Hidden/Unlockable)
Noob returns to serve under Shinnok again after aiding the Earth Warriors to overthrow Shao Khan's minion. After a thought successful extermination of Shao Khan, Noob returns again to serve as a general in Shinnok's Army of Darkness.
Special Moves:
Fireball: D F [LP]
Teleport Slam: D U ([LP]/[HP]/[LK]/[HK] to attack after teleport)
   ([BL] when close to throw) (Also in Air)
Air Throw: [BL] (In Air, Close)
White Fireball: B B F F [HK]
(Temporarily Disables Block)
   (Opponent can still attack however)
Draw/Throw Weapon:
Sickle: F F [HK]
Fatality 1 - Thrust Kick: [HP] (With Fatality 1 cheat on)
Fatality 2 - Ice Shatter: [LP] (With Fatality 2 cheat on)
Stage Fatalities:
The Prison (Fan): D B B [HK] (Close)
Goro's Lair (Spikes): F D F [HK] (Close)
Play as Noob Saibot:
Method 1:
Successfully complete the game with Reiko.
Enter the 012 012 Kombat code in versus mode.
Exit this match and enter the character selection screen.
Choose the HIDDEN icon using (Hold [RN]),
press Up Up Left Left Left Left to highlight Reiko, press [BL] while still holding [RN].

Method 2:
Noob Saibot: Highlight "HIDDEN" at the bottom of the character selection screen.
(Hold [LT]+[RT])
Continue to hold these buttons and press Up Up Left Left Left Left [A].
Sektor Sektor (Hidden/Unlockable)
Even suspicious of the effect of Cyrax's prolonged exile in the desert, the Lin Kuei are forced to send him, since their forces are vastly reduced. In the guise of fighting alongside his Lin Kuei comrade, Sektor's orders are to watch and report on Cyrax. Sektor's reports will decide whether this is the last mission for Cyrax.
Special Moves:
Missile: F F [LP]
Double Missiles: B B F [LP]
Homing Missile: F D B [HP]
Teleport Uppercut: F F [LK] (Also in Air)
Draw/Throw Weapon:
Laser Gun: B F [HK]
Fatality 1 - Flamethrower: F F D F [BL] (Outside Sweep)
Fatality 2 - Compactor: F F F B [BL] (Outside Sweep)
Stage Fatalities:
The Prison (Fan): B F F [HK] (Close)
Goro's Lair (Spikes): D F B [LK] (Close)
Play as Sektor:
Method 1:
Successfully complete the game with Cyrax.
Enter the character selection screen.
Choose the HIDDEN icon using (Hold [RN]),
press Up Up Up Up Left Left Left Left to highlight Cyrax, press [BL] while still holding [RN].

Method 2:
Highlight "HIDDEN" at the bottom of the character selection screen.
(Hold [LT]+[RT]).
Continue to hold these buttons and press Up Up Up Up Left Left Left Left [A].
Meat Meat (Hidden/Unlockable)
Special Moves:
*Meat uses your previous character's moves*
Draw/Throw Weapon:
*Meat uses your previous character's moves*
*Meat uses your previous character's moves*
Stage Fatalities:
*Meat uses your previous character's moves*
Play as Meat:
Start a two player game (one-on-one kombat, and two-on-two kombat will both work).
Both players need to select the Group Mode option.
Then one player (first and second player will work) must win twenty consecutive matches against each other.
Once all of this is complete Meat will become the new character of the player who won twenty consecutive matches.
Goro Goro (Sub-Boss/Unlockable)
The half-human dragon stood as Shang Tsung's protector in the first tournament. Goro took the Mortal Kombat title from the original Kung Lao, only to have it won from him nine generations later by Lao's ancestor, Liu Kang. Seeking revenge, the Shokan prince has returned from the Outworld to crush Liu Kang in Mortal Kombat...
Special Moves:
Fireball: F B [HP]
Teleport Stomp: F F B [HK]
Ground Stomp: B F D D [HK]
Two Handed Swipe: F F [HP]
Super Uppercut: D D [HP]
Lunge Kick: B B [HK]
Draw/Throw Weapon:
Fatality 1 - Torso Kick: [HP] (With Fatality 1 cheat on)
Fatality 2 - Head Decap: [LP] (With Fatality 2 cheat on)
Stage Fatalities:
The Prison (Fan): N/A
Goro's Lair (Spikes): N/A
Play as Goro:
Method 1:
Successfully complete the game with Shinnok.
Enter the character selection screen.
Choose the HIDDEN icon using (Hold [RN]),
press Up Left to highlight Shinnok, press [BL] while still holding [RN].

Method 2:
Goro: Highlight "HIDDEN" at the bottom of the character selection screen.
(Hold [LT]+[RT]).
Continue to hold these buttons and press Up Left [A].
