MKKomplete - Mortal Kombat Armageddon (2006) - Motor Kombat Choose Your Game

Motor Kombat

Motor Kombat takes what is essentially a Mario Kart clone and gives it a Mortal Kombat twist. Racing around small tracks, players will have the ability to alter game play by using individual characters' special moves while watching out for deathtraps present on each course. Each selectable kombatant resembles the big-headed cartoony characters present in Mortal Kombat Deception's Puzzle Kombat mode, and include Scorpion, Sub-Zero, Jax, Raiden, Bo' Rai Cho, Kitana, Baraka, Johnny Cage, Mileena and Cyrax.
BarakaBo' Rai ChoJohnny CageCyraxJaxKitanaMileenaRaidenScorpionSub-Zero

Green Pickups: Running over a green pickup will give the user a speed boost for four seconds as long as the "Accelerate" button is pressed.

Red Pickups: These will activate a character's special move which can be performed by pressing the "Special Attack" button.
X = Bump Left
Y = Rear View
A = Special Attack
B = Bump Right
RT = Accelerate
LT = Reverse
Black/RB = Voice
Start = Pause
PlayStation 2:
= Bump Left
Δ = Rear View
X = Special Attack
O = Bump Right
R2 = Accelerate
L2 = Reverse
R3 = PTT Chat
L1 = Controlled Turn
Start = Pause
CP Left = Bump Left
CP Up = Rear View
A = Special Attack
CP Right = Bump Right
B = Accelerate
Z = Reverse
Start = Pause
Wii (Classic Controller):
Y = Bump Left
X = Rear View
B = Special Attack
A = Bump Right
R = Accelerate
zL/zR = Reverse
Start = +
Wii (GameCube):
B = Bump Left
Y = Rear View
A = Special Attack
X = Bump Right
R = Accelerate
Z = Reverse
Start = Pause


Special Weapon: Double Spark
Bo' Rai Cho Bo' Rai Cho
Special Weapon: Puke
Johnny Cage Cage
Special Weapon: Green Goo
Cyrax Cyrax
Special Weapon: Bomb
Jax Jax
Special Weapon: Ground Pound
Kitana Kitana
Special Weapon: Shield
Mileena Mileena
Special Weapon: Boost
Raiden Raiden
Special Weapon: Lightning Shield
Scorpion Scorpion
Special Weapon: Spear
Sub-Zero Sub-Zero
Special Weapon: Ice Ball


Lin Kuei Raceway
Laps: 4
Death Traps: 3
Outworld Refinery
Laps: 8
Death Traps: 3
Botan Jungle
Laps: 5
Death Traps: 1
Lost Pyramid
Laps: 4
Death Traps: 2
Bo Rai Cho Brewery
Laps: 4
Death Traps: 0
