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Village Earthrealm Netherrealm Chaosrealm Outworld Orderrealm Edenia The Nexus
Earthrealm Village
Mission 0 - Initial Training
Location: B-6
Reward: 150 Random Koins
Mission 1 - Meet Apep
Location: B-6
Available: 8AM-7PM
Talk to Apep to be shown Bo Rai Cho's other dojo.
This unlocks Mission 2.
Mission 2 - Training
Location: B-5
Available: 7AM-7PM
Train in the art of Combos, Power Attacks, Pop-up Attacks and Juggling with Bo Rai Cho. Once completed, talk to Apep again to open Mission 3.
Reward: 150 Random Koins
Mission 3 - Training
Location: D-5
Available: 7AM-7PM
Train in the art of Defense (blocking, ducking and evading) with Bo Rai Cho. Once completed, talk to Apep again to open Mission 4.
Reward: 150 Random Koins
Mission 4 - Bribe Guard
Location: D-4
Description: Find a way to bribe the guard to get past the bridge. Get ham from the butcher in C-6 to feed the hungry guard so he will let you pass. Once completed, talk to Apep again to open Mission 5.
Mission 5 - Fighting Styles Training
Location: C-4
Description: Available: 6AM-7PM
Train in the art of basic fighting style switching with Bo Rai Cho. Once completed, talk to Apep again to open the next part of town along with Mission 6.
Reward: 150 Random Koins
Mission 6 - Counter Attack Training
Location: A-3
Description: Available: 6AM-7PM
Train in the art of counter attacking and combo breaking with Bo Rai Cho. Once completed, talk to Apep once again to open Mission 7.
Reward: 150 Random Koins
Mission 7 - Enroll in School
Location: B-2
Description: Talk to the Apep to get enrolled in Fight School. You will then have access to the fight school and Mission 8.
Mission 8 - Advanced Combo Training
Location: A-1
Description: Train in the art of style branching combos with Bo Rai Cho. Once you finish this you will have access to Mission 9 and the rest of the Earthrealm Village area.
Reward: 150 Random Koins
Mission 9 - None Shall Pass
Location: D-1
Description: Bo Rai Cho won't let you pass outside of the village gates. But Damashi then recruits you for a quest from the Elder Gods and gives you a power to absorb fighting skills from others you face. You then have to defeat Bo Rai Cho in a best of 3 battle.
Reward: 400 Jade Koins
Mission Final - Exit Village
Location: E-1
Description: Talk to Bo Rai Cho and he allows you to leave the village.
WARNING: There is no known way BACK into the village after you do this mission. It also auto-saves your game for you, so no quitting without saving to go back!
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Earthrealm Mission 1 - Train As Bo' Rai Cho
Location: C-4
Description: Go to Bo' Rai Cho's house and he will, as promised earlier, teach you his kombat techniques.
In this mission you will learn the fighting styles and special moves of Bo' Rai Cho.
Reward: Random Koins in 25, 50, 75, 100, 125 and 150 allotments. Shujinko will also be able to fight as Bo' Rai Cho in future konquest kombat missions.
Shujinko will also mature to a teenager after this mission.
Earthrealm Mission 2 - Missing Medallion
Location: B-3
Description: Bo Rai Cho is missing his warriors medallion and told you he last saw it in the docks. Talk to the old fisherman standing on the docks, he is just to the north in section B-2. He has the medallion in his house but needs to get his key back from
the brigands who took it from him. They can be found in C-2.
Earthrealm Mission 3 - Beat Down The Brigands
Location: C-2
Description: You need to get the old fisherman's hut key back. It was taken by a band of brigands standing at this point on the map. First, talk to their leader to discuss the issue. You will find him uncooperative. Once the conversation is over you must hit
him to cause the leader to drop the key and send his gang running off.
Reward: Fisherman's Key
Earthrealm Mission 4 - Returning of the Key
Location: B-2
Description: Return to the old fisherman now that you have his key. Return the key and meet him inside of his hut to get Bo Rai Cho's Warrior Medallion.
Reward: Medallion
After obtaining the Medallion you will be greeted by Damashi who will tell Shujinko to keep it and not return it to Bo Rai Cho.
Earthrealm Mission 5 - Train as Sub-Zero
Location: G-8
Description: By showing the Lin Kuei your Medallion, they allow you to train with Sub-Zero.
In this mission, you will learn the fighting styles and special moves of Sub-Zero.
Reward: Random Koins in 25, 50, 75, 100, 125 & 150 allotments. Shujinko will also be able to fight as Sub-Zero in future konquest kombat missions.
Earthrealm Mission 6 - Lin Kuei Courier
Location: B-8
Description: The Lin Kuei have sent you on a mission to retrieve for them a strange artifact, but you aren't sure exactly where to meet the Lin Kuei. If you look in the forest in A-8 you will find a Lin Kuei ninja who will give you the artifact if you have
the password.
As you head back to the Lin Kuei, Damashi will find you and inform you that the object is the Earthrealm Kamidogu. He instructs you to use the Kamidogu to open the portal to the Nexus.
Reward: Earthrealm Kamidogu
Earthrealm Mission Final - Exit Earthrealm
Location: H-3
Description: With the Kamidogu in hand you will walk through the now activated portal and enter the Nexus.
The portal back to the Nexus from Earthrealm will remain open now whenever you revisit Earthrealm.
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Netherrealm Mission 1 - Train as Ashrah
Location: C-6
Description: Shujinko runs into the demon Ashrah who is trying to escape the realm.
In this mission you will learn the fighting styles and special moves of Ashrah.
Reward: Random Koins in 25, 50, 75, 100, 125 and 150 allotments. Shujinko will also be able to fight as Ashrah in future konquest kombat missions.
Netherrealm Mission 2 - Kombat with a Tarkatan
Location: A-2
Description: A Tarkatan demon comes to warn Ashrah that Ermac is searching for her and becomes Kombat practice for Ashrah. In this mission, you will battle a Baraka-like Tarkatan as Ashrah in a best of three rounds match.
Reward: 400 Ruby Koins
Netherrealm Mission 3 - Looking for Ermac
Location: C-4
Description: Ashrah sends you out to seek Ermac. In your search you find a mysterious warrior who needs help replenishing his power with the use of a Soul Stone. Find the soul stone to the East in Sector E-5.
Netherrealm Mission 4 - Train as Ermac
Location: E-5
Description: Here is the location of the Soul Stone that the mysterious warrior was seeking to replenish his powers. Return to him in C-4 and then bring him back here.
Upon returning here with the stranger, you will learn that he is Ermac when he teaches you his kombat skills. In this mission you will learn the fighting styles and special moves of Ermac.
Reward: Random Koins in 25, 50, 75, 100, 125 and 150 allotments. Shujinko will also be able to fight as Ermac in future konquest kombat missions.
Netherrealm Mission Final - Kombat with Ashrah
Location: B-3
Description: After learning that the mysterious warrior is Ermac, you tell Ermac of Ashrah's location because he too seeks Ashrah just as she seeks him.
In this mission, you will battle Ashrah as Ermac in a best of three rounds match. Upon defeating Ashrah you will receive the Netherrealm Kamidogu.
Reward: 400 Platinum Koins, and the Netherrealm Kamidogu
You now must return the Kamidogu to the Nexus to continue on to the Chaosrealm.
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Chaosrealm Mission 1 - Pay Toll in Blood
Location: C-3
Description: To get to the rest of the Realm of Chaos you must first battle this Seidan guardsman who is blocking you.
In this mission you will battle a Seidan Guard (Hotaru) as Ermac in a best of three rounds match. Upon defeating Hotaru you will have access to the Realm of Chaos.
Reward: 450 Jade Koins
Chaosrealm Mission 2 - Wraith Trespasser
Location: C-2
Description: A cloaked man from the Realm of Chaos tells you of a Netherrealm Wraith, who is a member of the Brotherhood of Shadow and is trespassing in their graveyard. You can find him in the graveyard to the west in Sector B-2.
Chaosrealm Mission 3 - Defeat Brother of Shadow
Location: B-2
Description: In this mission you will battle Noob Saibot as Ermac in a best of three rounds match.
Reward: 450 Onyx Koins
Chaosrealm Mission 4 - Chaos Needs Water
Location: E-2
Description: Here Shujinko meets Havik who requests him to help his people get their water back. He instructs you to find four Seidan guardsmen and put a Chaos Pendant on each one of them so Havik's people can get their water back.
Reward: Chaos Pendants
Chaosrealm Mission 5 - Quad Guardsmen Kombat
Location: G-3
Description: There are four Seidan Guardsmen (Hotaru) at this facility that you have to battle so that Havik's people can sabotage the facility and return water to the people of Chaosrealm. You will face each guardsmen as a different kombatant.
1 - @G:2 - Bo' Rai Cho - 400 Ruby Koins
2 - @G:1 - Sub-Zero - 400 Jade Koins
3 - @H:1 - Ashrah - 400 Jade Koins
4 - @H:2 - Ermac - 450 Platinum Koins
Once you complete converting all the guardsmen to Chaos, return to the hooded man at this location to be directed to Havik in a town to the south for your next mission.
Chaosrealm Mission 6 - Train as Havik
Location: G-4
Description: After converting the Seidan guardsmen and returning water to the people of the Chaosrealm, Havik offers to train you in the ways of Chaos... or was he really trying to kill you?
In this mission you will learn the fighting styles and special moves of Havik.
Reward: Random Koins in 25, 50, 75, 100, 125 and 150 allotments and Portal Key. Shujinko will also be able to fight as Havik in future konquest kombat missions.
Once you finish the training you will be given the Portal Key which can be used to open the teleporter just to the west of Havik and allow you access a previously unreachable area of the Chaosrealm.
Chaosrealm Mission Final - Search the Pool
Location: A-4
Description: In the newly opened area of Chaosrealm, Shujinko finds a pool with the Kamidogu sitting inside of it. Upon walking through the pool, Shujinko ages and leaves the pool as a young adult.
Reward: Chaosrealm Kamidogu
You now must return the Kamidogu to the Nexus to continue on to the Realm of Outworld, home to Shao Kahn.
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Outworld Mission 1 - Train as Mileena
Location: F-1
Description: Shujinko runs into the ninja warrior Mileena with an army of Tarkatans who are gathering outside of the Lei Chen city walls.
In this mission, you will learn the fighting styles and special moves of Mileena.
Reward: Random Koins in 25, 50, 75, 100, 125 and 150 allotments. Shujinko will also be able to fight as Mileena in future konquest kombat missions.
Outworld Mission 2 - The Negotiator
Location: G-1
Description: Shujinko is asked to help Mileena and Shao Kahn's army take over the city of Lei Chen. But Shujinko wants to help both causes and agrees to try to negotiate to spare the lives of those in the city.
While negotiating, Overlord Zeffeero asks Shujinko to go to Seido, the Orderrealm, to ask for their assistance against Shao Kahn's armies. Since the overlord has no money he tells you to search for a valuable artifact hidden in the Living Forest for payment
to the Seidan elite guards.
Outworld Mission Final - Search The Living Forest
Location: E-4
Description: On the search for the valuable item to pay the Seidan to assist the city of Lei Chen, Shujinko encounters Jade who already has taken the object by order of her Queen. She is ready to defend it with her life.
In this mission, you will battle Jade as Mileena in a best of three rounds match. Upon defeating Jade you will receive the Outworld Kamidogu.
Reward: 450 Platinum Koins, and the Outworld Kamidogu
You now must return the Kamidogu to the Nexus to continue on to the Orderrealm to enlist the help of the Seidan Guards for Lei Chen.
Orderrealm Mission 3 - Baraka Kombat and Training
Location: G-1
Description: Once you arrive at Lei Chen in Outworld you will learn that Hotaru has taken control of the city in the name of Seido. Upon leaving the city Shujinko encounters Baraka who isn't happy with Shujinko bringing reinforcements for the city of Lei Chen.
In this mission, you will battle Baraka as Hotaru in a best of three rounds match.
Reward:500 Ruby Koins.
In this mission you will also learn the fighting styles and special moves of Baraka. Reward: Random Koins in 25, 50, 75, 100, 125, 150 & 200 allotments. Shujinko will also be able to fight as Baraka in future konquest kombat missions.
You will now be in an area of Outworld that was closed off before, the Tarkatan camp. You will also run into Damashi upon leaving Outworld, instructing you to go to Earthrealm to compete in the Mortal Kombat tournament.
Go to Earthrealm and follow the Mortal Kombat tournament missions, you will resume the Orderrealm missions at a later time.
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Orderrealm Mission 1 - Train as Hotaru
Location: G-4
Description: Shujinko finds Commander Hotaru to have him help Lei Chen and Overlord Zeffeero against Shao Kahn. Hotaru agrees but needs help with some rioters in Orderrealm before he can help, and asks your assistance. But first he must train you as a Seidan
In this mission you will learn the fighting styles and special moves of Hotaru.
Reward: Random Koins in 25, 50, 75, 100, 125, 150 and 200 allotments. Shujinko will also be able to fight as Hotaru in future Konquest Kombat missions.
Orderrealm Mission 2 - Kombat with Darrius
Location: F-2
Description: Hotaru sends you to defeat the leader of the resistance, Darrius, so that the rioting stops. Darrius wont go without a fight.
In this mission, you will battle Darrius as Hotaru in a best of three rounds match.
Reward:450 Sapphire Koins.
After defeating Darrius, return to Hotaru in Sectors G:3/G:4. He will congratulate you and tell you to meet him in Outworld to assist the city of Lei Chen.
Head to Outworld to continue the Orderrealm Missions.
Orderrealm Mission 4 - Prison Break
Location: C-4
Description: After completing the MK Tournament Missions, you find yourself back in Orderrealm locked in Prison. You have now been locked up for many years, so long that you are now an old man.
Shujinko is eventually rescued by the mercenary Dairou. It appears he was paid by Damashi to clear any obstacles that stood in your way to getting out of your cell. He also gives you a courtroom key, you could find use for that yet at the courtroom.
Reward: Courtroom Door Key (it doesn't appear in your inventory, but you do have it)
Orderrealm Mission Final - Kombat with Hotaru
Location: E-6
Description: Upon entering the Courtroom you are confronted by Hotaru. He accuses you of murder and trespassing and wants to put you on trial for the laws you have broken.
In this mission, you will battle Hotaru as Li Mei in a best of three rounds match. Once you defeat Hotaru you will find the Orderrealm Kamidogu behind him.
Reward:500 Sapphire Koins and the Orderrealm Kamidogu.
Now return to the Nexus to open the portal to Edenia.
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Edenia Mission 1 - Help Kitana find Sindel
Location: C-4
Description: Princess Kitana needs help find Queen Sindel who has been captured. Search for her around E-1.
Edenia Mission 2 - Kombat with Tanya
Location: E-1
Description: Tanya is protecting Shao Kahn and Sindel. Shujinko asks for the release of Queen Sindel. She refuses.
In this mission, you will battle Tanya as Shujinko in a best of three rounds match.
Reward:500 Platinum Koins.
Edenia Mission 3 - Free Sindel
Location: E-1
Description: After defeating Tanya, you rescue Queen Sindel. You give her the good news that her daughter Princess Kitana is still alive. You both have to escape quickly, but Queen Sindel says to follow her so that she can reward you.
Edenia Mission Final - Train as Sindel
Location: C-6
Description: Meet back up with Queen Sindel and she will reward you with teaching you the kombat skills of an Edenian Knight.
In this mission, you will learn the fighting styles and special moves of Sindel. Once you finish your training you will be given the Edenia Kamidogu.
Reward: Random Koins in 50, 75, 100, 125, 150 and 200 allotments. Shujinko will also be able to fight as Sindel in future konquest kombat missions. You will also receive the Edenia Kamidogu.
Now return to the Nexus with the final Kamidogu.
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The Nexus
Nexus Mission 1 - Another Elder God Champion?
Location: A-1
Description: NOTE: Mission Takes Place Before You Enter The Chaosrealm For The First Time
While placing the Netherrealm Kamidogu in its place, Shujinko is confronted with a warrior who claims to be the Elder God Champion. You challenge him to confirm/deny his rank as Champion.
In this mission you will battle the false Elder God Champion (Named Monster with skills of Scorpion) as Ermac in a best of five rounds match.
Reward: 800 Gold Koins and access to Chaosrealm
Konquest Mission Final - Kombat with Scorpion
Location: A-2
Description: Upon entering the Nexus, Shujinko is confronted by Scorpion. You must get past him to place the final Kamidogu onto the altar.
In this mission, you will battle Scorpion as Shujinko in a best of five round match.
After you defeat Scorpion you have finished the main missions of Konquest mode and presented with the ending of Konquest mode. We won't spoil the ending here.
Reward: Shujinko is now unlocked in Arcade Mode
You can also now roam the realms and do the other side missions and get the other Krypt Keys that require you to have finished Konquest first.
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