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Raiden Raiden
Raiden is the God of Thunder and the Protector of Earthrealm. Millennia ago he and the Elder Gods defeated Shinnok, who sought dominion over the realms. More recently, Raiden thwarted Outworld's attempts to conquer and merge with Earthrealm. However victory came at great cost. Many of Raiden's closest allies were killed in the battle. Raiden's strength was further tested when an escaped Shinnok’s Netherrealm armies attacked an Earthrealm weakened by war. Ultimately Raiden imprisoned Shinnok again--this time in Shinnok's own Amulet.  But rumors have reached Raiden that the Amulet, thought to have been secured in an Earthrealm vault for decades might have been stolen.
Special Moves:
Thunder God:
Electric Fly: B F [A] (Also in Air)
Thunder Fly: B F ([A]+[RT]) (Also in Air)
Lightning: D B [X]
   *Extend: (Hold [X])
   *Cancel: F F/B B
Bolt: D B ([X]+[RT])
   *Stop Bolt: D B [X]
Vicinity Blast: D B [Y]
   Extend: (Hold [Y])
   Cancel: F F/B B
Vicinity Burst: D B ([Y]+[RT])
Electrocute: D F [Y]
Shocker: D F ([Y]+[RT])
Rising Thunder: D B [A]
Thunder Strike: D B ([A]+[RT])

Electric Fly: B F [A] (Also in Air)
   *Enhance: [RT]
Thunder Fly: B F ([A]+[RT]) (Also in Air)
   *Enhance: [RT]
Lightning: D B [X]
Bolt: D B ([X]+[RT])
Vicinity Blast: D B [Y]
   Extend: (Hold [Y])
   Cancel: F F/B B
Vicinity Burst: D B ([Y]+[RT])
Electrocute: D F [Y]
Shocker: D F ([Y]+[RT])
Rising Thunder: D B [A]
Thunder Strike: D B ([A]+[RT])
*Teleport: D U
   In front: B
   Phase: D
   Behind & Away: F
*Sparkport: D (U+[RT])
   In front: B
   Phase: D
   Behind & Away: F

Master of Storms:
Electric Fly: B F [A] (Also in Air)
Thunder Fly: B F ([A]+[RT]) (Also in Air)
Lightning: D B [X]
Bolt: D B ([X]+[RT])
Vicinity Blast: D B [Y]
   Extend: (Hold [Y])
   Cancel: F F/B B
Vicinity Burst: D B ([Y]+[RT])
Electrocute: D F [Y]
Shocker: D F ([Y]+[RT])
Rising Thunder: D B [A]
Thunder Strike: D B ([A]+[RT])
*Static Trap (Front): D F [B]
*Forward Full Trap: D F ([B]+[RT])
*Static Trap (Behind): D B [B]
*Away Full Trap: D B ([B]+[RT])
*Static Trap (Above): D D [B]
*Static Trap (Above & In Front): D F [B] UF
*Static Trap (Above & Behind): D B [B] UB
X-Ray Attack ([LT]+[RT]): Shock Therapy
Fatality 1 - Bug Eyes: F B F [X] (Close)
Fatality 2 - Conducting Rod: D F B F [B] (Far)
Stage Fatality: D D D [Y] (Close)

Brutality 1 - Super Shocker: D F [Y]
   Available in all Variations
   Raiden must press [Y] 3 times During the Electrocute
   Final hit must come from Electrocute - D F [Y]

Brutality 2 - Dark Force: (B+[X]), [X] ([X]+[A])
   Available in all Variations
   During the Power Discharge Kombo player must press F B F during electric zaps
   Final hit must come from the Power Discharge Kombo - (B+[X]), [X] ([X]+[A])

Brutality 3 - Overload: (B+[X]), [X] [Y] [Y]
   Only in Thunder God Variation
   Perform a combo that does over 30% damage
   Final hit must come from the Lightning Strike Kombo - (B+[X]), [X] [Y] [Y]

Brutality 4 - Inside You: B F ([A]+[RT]), [RT]
   Only in Displacer Variation
   Raiden must perform 10 Teleports - D U
   Final hit must come from a ground or air Enhanced Electric Fly or Enhanced Thunder Fly - B F [A] [RT]/B F ([A]+[RT]), [RT]

Brutality 5 - Power Outage: D F [B]
   Only in Master of Storms Variation
   Must land a 10 hit kombo during the match
   Final hit must come from a Static Trap or Full Trap - D F [B]/D F ([B]+[RT])
Thunder God:
Rolling Thunder: [X] [X]
*Heavenly Hands: [X] [X] [Y]
   (Hold [Y])
*Thunder Cloud: [X] [X] [Y] [Y]
   (Hold [Y])
God Fist: (B+[X]), [X]
Power Discharge: (B+[X]), [X] ([X]+[A])
Forked Lightning: (B+[X]), [B]
Lightning Storm: (F+[X]), [B]
*All Powerful: (B+[X]), [X] [Y]
   (Hold [Y])
*Lightning Strike: (B+[X]), [X] [Y] [Y]
   (Hold [Y])
*Infinite Spirit: (F+[X]), [Y]
*Divine Power: (F+[X]), [Y] (B+[Y])
   (Hold [Y])
White Spark: [Y] [X]
White Lightning: [Y] [X] [A]
Distant Thunder: [Y] [X] [B]
*Violent Thunder: (F+[Y]), ([Y]+[B])
    (Hold [Y]+[B])
Almighty: (F+[Y]), [B]
Godlike: (F+[Y]), [B] [B]
Supernatural: [A] [B]
*Flash Storm: [A] ([Y]+[B])
    (Hold [Y]+[B])
*Elder Fury: (B+[A]), [Y]
   (Hold [Y])
Might of Mordulus: (B+[A]), [A]
Quick Burn: (B+[A]), [B]
Spinning Spark: [B] [B]

Rolling Thunder: [X] [X]
Sudden Energy: [X] [X] [Y]
God Fist: (B+[X]), [X]
Power Discharge: (B+[X]), [X] ([X]+[A])
Forked Lightning: (B+[X]), [B]
Lightning Storm: (F+[X]), [B]
Supercell: (F+[X]), [Y]
God's Rage: (F+[X]), [Y] (B+[Y])
White Spark: [Y] [X]
White Lightning: [Y] [X] [A]
Distant Thunder: [Y] [X] [B]
Kalm Storm: (F+[Y]), ([Y]+[B])
Almighty: (F+[Y]), [B]
Godlike: (F+[Y]), [B] [B]
Supernatural: [A] [B]
Might of Mordulus: (B+[A]), [A]
Quick Burn: (B+[A]), [B]
Spinning Spark: [B] [B]

Master of Storms:
Rolling Thunder: [X] [X]
Sudden Energy: [X] [X] [Y]
God Fist: (B+[X]), [X]
Power Discharge: (B+[X]), [X] ([X]+[A])
Forked Lightning: (B+[X]), [B]
Lightning Storm: (F+[X]), [B]
Supercell: (F+[X]), [Y]
God's Rage: (F+[X]), [Y] (B+[Y])
White Spark: [Y] [X]
White Lightning: [Y] [X] [A]
Distant Thunder: [Y] [X] [B]
Kalm Storm: (F+[Y]), ([Y]+[B])
Almighty: (F+[Y]), [B]
Godlike: (F+[Y]), [B] [B]
Supernatural: [A] [B]
Might of Mordulus: (B+[A]), [A]
Quick Burn: (B+[A]), [B]
Spinning Spark: [B] [B]
