MKKomplete - Mortal Kombat X (2015) - Hidden Brutalities - Universal - XBOX One/PlayStation 4/Windows PC Choose Your Game
Mortal Kombat X (2015)
Hidden Brutalities - Universal - XBOX One/PlayStation 4/Windows PC
Kung LaoJaxSonyaKenshiKitanaScorpionSub-ZeroMileenaTakedaCassie CageJacquiKung Jin
ShinnokKanoJohnny CageErron BlackLiu KangErmacKotal KahnReptileFerra/TorrD'VorahRaidenQuan Chi
GoroJason VoorheesTanyaPredatorTremor
TriborgLeatherfaceBo' Rai ChoXenomorph / NetherRealm Studios
Hidden Brutality info donated by Ron Venturino
You can e-mail corrections/additions to The Webmaster
Last updated: 02/01/19
Note: All commands are assuming your character is facing right.
If you are facing left, you must reverse the directional commands.
Backwards becoming Forwards and Vice Versa.
It's recommended that your controls match the default setting.

U = Up/Jump
D = Down/Crouch
F = Forward/Toward
B = Back/Away
Dash = F, F
Back Dash = B, B
Uppercut = (D+BP)
Sweep = (B+BK)
Run = (Dash+BL)
Pause/Movelist = START

FP = Front Punch
BP = Back Punch
FK = Front Kick
BK = Back Kick
*TH = Throw (Away)
*(F+TH) = Throw (Towards)
SI = Stage Interact
FS = Flip Stance
BL = Block

TH (Away) Reversal = FP/FK
TH (Towards) Reversal = BP/BK
FP = X
BP = Y
FK = A
BK = B
*TH = LB
*(F+TH) = (F+LB)

TH (Away) Reversal = X/A
TH (Towards) Reversal = Y/B
PlayStation 4:
FP =
BP = Δ
FK = X
BK = O
*TH = L1
*(F+TH) = (F+L1)
SI = R1
FS = L2
BL = R2

TH (Away) Reversal = /X
TH (Towards) Reversal = Δ/O

   *Throw (Away) Switches the character's facing side, while (Towards) maintains it.
Super Meter:

E Symbol = Enhanced Special Move (Special Move+BL)
     [Costs 1 Bar of your Super Meter]
Lightning Bolt Symbol = Kombo Breaker (F+BL)
     [Costs 2 Bars of your Super Meter]
X Symbol = X-Ray Attack (FS+BL)/(FK+BK+BL)
     [Costs 3 Bars of your Super Meter]
Stage Fatalities: The Kove, Refugee Kamp, The Pit
Selectable Characters:

Cassie Cage Cassie Cage
Hidden Brutality 1: D, B, FP
   Only in Spec Ops Variation
   Player must get first hit
   Player must connect 1 American Way during the match
   Final hit must come from The American Way - D, B, FP
D'Vorah D'Vorah
Ermac Ermac
Erron Black Erron Black
Hidden Brutality 1: (FS+BL)
   Available in all Variations
   Player must connect 12 bullets during the match
   Final hit must come from Trick Shot - (FS+BL)

Hidden Brutality 2: TH
   (Variation on Brutality 1)
   Available in all Variations
   Player must hold F during the final hit
   Final hit must come from TH
   Hold (D+FK+FS+BL) afterwards for alternate
Ferra/Torr Ferra/Torr
Jacqui Jacqui Briggs
Hidden Brutality 1: (FS+BL)
   Available in all Variations
   Player must hold D during the final hit
   Final hit must come from Chest Kavity - (FS+BL)

Hidden Brutality 2: D, B, FP
   Available in all Variations
   Opponent must be Kotal Kahn, Cassie Cage, Reptile, Kung Jin, Predator or Tremor
   Final hit must come from opponent's reflected brutality projectile when using Tech Shield - D, B, FP
Jax Briggs Jax Briggs
Johnny Cage Johnny Cage
Hidden Brutality 1: TH
   Available in all Variations
   Player must hold F during the final hit
   Final hit must come from TH
Kano Kano
Kenshi Kenshi
Hidden Brutality 1: D, B, BP
   Only in Balanced Variation
   Opponent must be Kotal Kahn, Cassie Cage, Reptile, Kung Jin, Predator or Tremor
   Final hit must come from Blade Reflecting a Brutality projectile - D, B, BP
Kitana Kitana
Hidden Brutality 1: D, B, BK
   Only in Royal Storm Variation
   Opponent must be Kotal Kahn, Cassie Cage, Reptile, Kung Jin, Predator or Tremor
   Final hit must come from Bouncing Back a Brutality projectile - D, B, BK
Kotal Kahn Kotal Kahn
Kung Jin Kung Jin
Hidden Brutality 1: D, B, FK
   Only in Bojutsu Variation
   Player must hold B during the final hit
   Final hit must come from Bo Swing - D, B, FK
Kung Lao Kung Lao
Hidden Brutality 1: D, (U+BL)
   Available in all Variations
   Player must hold FP during the final hit
   Final hit must come from Enhanced Teleport - D, (U+BL)
Liu Kang Liu Kang
Hidden Brutality 1: B, F, FK
   Available in all Variations
   Player must be Full Screen distance away from opponent
   Final hit must come from Low Fireball - B, F, FK
Mileena Mileena
Hidden Brutality 1: D, B, BK
   Only in Ravenous Variation
   Player must press D, D, D and hold BP for the second half of the Low Pounce Kombo
   Final hit must come from the full Low Pounce Kombo - D, B, BK

Hidden Brutality 2: B, F, FP
   Available in all Variations
   Final hit must hit the opponent in the head
   Final hit must come from Sai Blast - B, F, FP (in air)
Quan Chi Quan Chi
Raiden Raiden
Reptile Reptile
Hidden Brutality 1: D, F, FP
   (Variation on Brutality 1)
   Available in all Variations
   Reptile must do more than 30% damage with Acid Spit during the match
   Player must hold U during the final hit
   Final hit must come from Acid Spit - D, F, FP
   Hold (U+FK+BL) afterwards for alternate

Hidden Brutality 2: (D+BP)
   Only in Deceptive Variation
   Player must be invisible during the final hit
   Final hit must come from uppercut - (D+BP)
Scorpion Scorpion
Hidden Brutality 1: TH
   Available in all Variations
   Player must be holding F during the final hit
   Final hit must come from TH
Shinnok Shinnok (Boss/Unlockable - Complete Story Mode)
Hidden Brutality 1: D, B, FP
   Only in Imposter Variation
   Opponent must be Sub-Zero, Ermac, Kung Jin, Mileena, Sonya Blade, Jax or D'Vorah
   Final hit must come from Mimicry - D, B, FP
Sonya Sonya Blade
Hidden Brutality 1: (FS+BL)
   Available in all Variations
   Player must be holding F during the final hit
   Final hit must come from Special Forces - (FS+BL)
Sub-Zero Sub-Zero
Hidden Brutality 1: TH
   Available in all Variations
   Player must be holding F during the final hit
   Final hit must come from TH
Takeda Takahashi Takeda
Downloadable Characters (DLC):

Goro Goro (Sub-Boss/DLC)
Hidden Brutality 1: B, F, (BK+BL)
   Available in all Variations
   Player must hold BK during the final hit
   Final hit must come from Fist Flurry - B, F, (BK+BL)
Jason Voorhees Jason Voorhees (DLC)
Hidden Brutality 1: TH
   Only in Slasher Variation
   Player must hold U during the final hit
   Final hit must come from TH
Tanya Tanya (DLC)
Predator Predator (DLC)
Hidden Brutality 1: FK, BP, (FP+FK)
   Available in all Variations
   Player must hold BP during the final hit
   Final hit must come from Ugly Mother..... - FK, BP, (FP+FK)

Hidden Brutality 2: D, B, BK
   (Variation on Brutality 4)
   Only in Hunter Variation
   Final hit must come from Snag - D, B, BK
   Hold (FS+BL) afterwards for alternate
Tremor Tremor (DLC)
Hidden Brutality 1: B, F, BK
   Available in all Variations
   Player must perform 3 Rolling Stones during the match
   Final hit must come from Rolling Stone - B, F, BK

Hidden Brutality 2: TH
   Available in all Variations
   Player must hold D during the final hit
   Final hit must come from TH

Hidden Brutality 3: D, B, FK
   Only in Metallic Variation
   Must have Lava Skin active - D, D, FP
   Final hit must come from Lava Drop - D, B, FK

Hidden Brutality 4: (F+BP)
   Available in all Variations
   Player must perform 4 Rock Slams during the match
   Final hit must come from Rock Slam - (F+BP)

Hidden Brutality 5: (B+FK), BP, BP
   Available in all Variations
   Player must be holding FP during the final hit
   Final hit must come from Shock Wave - (B+FK), BP, BP

Hidden Brutality 6: B, F, BP
   (Variation on Brutality 3)
   Only in Aftershock Variation
   Player must be Jump distance away from opponent
   Final hit must come from Rock Toss - B, F, BP
   Hold (FS+BL) afterwards for alternate
Triborg Triborg (DLC)
Hidden Brutality 1: TH
   Available in all Variations
   Player must press FP or BP 4 times during the final hit
   Player must be holding U during the final hit
   Final hit must come from TH

Hidden Brutality 2: B, F, (FP+BL)
   Only in Cyber Sub-Zero Variation
   Player must be Jump distance away from opponent
   Final hit must come from Ice Blast - B, F, (FP+BL)

Hidden Brutality 3: (D+FK+BL) (in air)
   Only in Cyber Sub-Zero Variation
   Player must have Drone active - D, D, FK
   Final hit must come from Enhanced Dive Kick - (D+FK+BL) (in air)

Hidden Brutality 4: (D+BP)
   Only in Cyber Sub-Zero Variation
   Opponent must be frozen by Ice Ball - B, F, FP
   Final hit must come from uppercut - (D+BP)
Leatherface Leatherface (DLC)
Bo' Rai Cho Bo' Rai Cho (DLC)
Xenomorph Xenomorph (DLC)
Alien's Chestburster Brutality can have a series of different masks/hats if you hold a particular button between the final hit and the chestburster coming out.

Jason: Hold D
Erron: Hold U
Sub-Zero: Hold BP
Johnny Cage: Hold FK
Kano: Hold FP
Kung Lao: Hold BK
Raiden: Hold B
Triborg: Hold Nothing
