Move List - Sega Genesis (Universal)
(ROM Hack Ver. 1.00)
Click For Cheats
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Last updated: 01/06/25
It's recommended that your controls match the default setting.MKR Download Page (Rom) UMKT Download Page (UMKT Rom plus Special Emulators)
MKKomplete is not affiliated with MKR-SG-Hack in any way other than giving them some props for the game.
U = Up/Jump
D = Down/Crouch
F = Forward/Toward
B = Back/Away
Universal: HP = High Punch LP = Low Punch HK = High Kick LK = Low Kick BL = Block RN = Run
Genesis 6 Pad: (Rom Hack) X = HP = High Punch A = LP = Low Punch Z = HK = High Kick C = LK = Low Kick B = BL = Block Y = RN = Run
Close Quarters:
Throw: LP (Close)
Head-Blow: HP (Close)
Knee: LK/HK (Close)Crouched Moves:
Crouched Block: (D+BL)
Crouched Punch: (D+LP)
Uppercut: (D+HP)
Crouched Low Kick: (D+LK)
Crouched High Kick: (D+HK)Spin Moves:
Foot Sweep: (B+LK)
Roundhouse Kick: (B+HK)Aerial Moves:
Flying Punch: (U/UF/UB+LP/HP)
Flying Kick: (U/UF/UB+LK/HK)Babalities & Friendships: You must not press BL in the final round. Mercy: (Hold RN), D, D, D, (Release RN) (Outside Sweep) Must be executed at the end of the third round. Animality: Have no prerequisites in this game. Simply execute the finisher after you defeat your opponent and receive instruction to "Finish Him/Her" or "Prove Yourself".
Finisher Distances Explained: Close: Right next to your opponent. Sweep: A couple of steps away (close enough to land a sweep). Outside Sweep: Just beyond sweep range. Half Screen: About one jump distance away from your opponent. Full Screen: As far apart as possible (opponent at the other side of the screen). Anywhere: Distance doesn't matter, can be any range (outside sweep or further works best).
Note: You can hold BL to input fatalities, as long as BL is released before the last button in the Fatality sequence is pressed.
Guide: Yellow Highlight = Moves I am not sure of, need confirmation of
At the Menu Screen Enter A, C, Up, B, Up, B, A, D to enable all 3 Genesis MK3 cheat menus.
CHEATS (Menu options):
"Sound Test" - (000-218)
"Continues" - (5,15,25,35,45,55,65,75,85,95)
"Bio Screen" - (Lets you see Character's Bio story)
SECRETS (Menu options):
"Timer" - (Off/Slow/Normal/Fast)
"Win Screen" - (Lets you see character's Ending story)
"Kombat Zone" - (Level Select)
KILLER CODES (Menu options):
"Quick End" - (Fatalities-1, Fatalities-2, Animalities, Babalities, Friendships)
(See Quick End Section)
"FHim Time" - (?)
"End Prize" - (Takes you straight to Shao Kahn's Lost Treasures)
"Play Hidden Game" - (Galaga)QUICK END SECTION:
With this option turned on (in the killer kodes menu), you can shorten the
amount of button presses you need to do a Fatality. The button to press is
based on the following:
1. If the move requires you to (Hold BL), then BL is the quick end.
ex: Jax Arm blade fatal: (Hold BL), U, D, F, U, (Release BL) so quick end is BL.
2. If the move requires you to hold down any other button besides BL than
the quick end is to charge and Release that button.
ex: Kano Skeleton Rip: (Hold LP), F, D, D, F, (Release LP) so quick end is charge LP and
3. If the move has no buttons you hold down then the last button(s) and/or
direction pressed (or both a direction and button) is the quick end.
ex: Cyrax copter: D-D-U-D-HP so quick end is HP.
ex: Liu Kang friend: RN -RN -RN -D+RN so quick end is D+RN
Sonya Fat2: D+BL+RN (past half screen) Friend: D+RNShao Kahn's Lost Treasures:
(After you beat Shao Kahn or win in Tournament mode)
1 - Tournament Outcome (Character Ending)
2 - Rellim Ochanep (Play Galaga)
3 - Random Prize
4 - Fatality Demonstration #1
5 - Fatality Demonstration #2
6 - Fatality Demonstration #3
7 - Noob Saibot - Ermac Endurance
8 - MKII Classic Endurance Kombat
9 - Mega Endurance Kombat
10 - Supreme DemonstrationSECRET LINES:
1) LP, LK, U, BL, U, BL, LP, D
2) LK, F, LP, B, LP, U, LK, F, LP, B, LP, U
3) BL, LP, D, B, LP, D, LK, F, U, D
4) HP, HP.